Thursday, March 18, 2004

reality check.....

It was fun volunteering to put together easter baskets this morning. Through miss Jan's sharing I was reminded that full time ministry emcompasses a wide array of things, even a doll ministry. It's always a curious thing when God calls you to something but a direction hasn't completely been revealed. But then, in the long run it becomes so clear what it is you're lead to do.

I like my CBS group. We are the epitome of a small a literal sense of course. Our rather small number of members enabled us to ride in Margarete's convertible. It was amusing watching Mich's hair flap around in the wind. Anyhow, it was nice just talking with the girls tonight about whatnot. some things to think about.

To my surprise, I actually got myself out to a track today. This afternoon i went track hunting. Apparently, most schools lock up their competition tracks over the break, makes sense. So after about half an hour, I finally found a track. I went to run at the dulles track behind the school. Fortunately, I found some hurdles around the track. There were only 2 and they were both broken. So i looked around the grass for sticks or just any objects to stick into the hurdles so they could be the right size. I managed to find a piece of plastic and bubble gum wrapper, those worked the best. I wonder wut saturday's meet is gonna be like.

tomorrow is another day.

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