Friday, March 19, 2004

I'll save you the pain of having to read another senseless heading. SO anyhow...wut a wonderful week this one has been. I remembered that I had something to blog about last night when i got home...but now i dont really remember.

Thai Gourmet last night was fun. The loft wasn't as lofty as I'd imagined. I actually imagined this lofty place above the restaurant overlooking the other customers.....I sorta imagined us eating at this table where we would have to kneel and eat uncomfortably. NOw that I think about it, I sorta thought of a Japanese restaurant. Anyhow, the food was good, but not worth the price...however the fellowship really made up for any complaints i might have had. I'll be getting my pictures back soon.... so maybe i'll attempted scanning pictures again. I realize that after using a digital for a while....a roll of film is nothing...24 pictures goes *snap*

So my first meet fears have returned...not quite as bad as the previous time. so PTL for that. But say a prayer for me if u have the time or if u remember....I dont wanna fall tomorrow, but that's not really a great fear anymore....i really dont know wut im afraid of. It's one of those "walls" in life that I just gotta overcome. Once again... trust God with everything...even the stupid things like being able to survive 18 hurdles. That's like...nothing for the guy who created the heavens and the earth right?

I think i've succumbed to writing with lots of periods again... after finishing all my college essays...i've ascending from that mentality. I'm back to my old self longer striving to achieve high writing quality...i mean... cuz "it doesnt really matter anymore." Hum...i'm having some really random thoughts today.

Drama team was great. The whole team is very lovable. They're talented, easy-going, and fun to work with. I learn new things about them every time. Last time... il learned that if Niki kept her last name, got married, and had a child, and named it CHCH....then her kid would be called CH-CHNG...sorta like ch-ching. Oh...and today I learned that Johanan was born in Florida. Iono...for some reason I find that really interesting. I wonder wut our next encounters will hold.

Ahhh... i love spring break. In fact, I've enjoyed it SO much that my work has been utterly neglected. I feel both ashamed and overwhelmed. But you know...there's no better way to finish my high school career ....but to finish it off strong. My work load isnt too burdensome...i should be able to finish it all tomorrow at the track meet....heck.. i have ALL day to do's a blessing in disguise...despite my fears

I guess this kind of entry is the result of lack of brain usage for the past howevermanydayswe'vebeenonbreak. Hope your break was super duperde duuuuper great.

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