Sunday, November 16, 2003

this is the story of a girl she cried a river and drowned the whole world.......

getting wet... i like getting wet... rain once in a while is kewl.

I was definitely having one of those: Life on earth is so unsatisfactory kinda days. So i was roaming my house and Rebecca St.James' song Omega came into my head and i really love that song and i happen to have it on my WOW 2000 cd. So i'm searching for it and i'm usually good about knowing where my cds are. and to my dismay... i COULDNT find it. So i thought i could settle for one of my other cds. I had SOO many choices to choose from and not a single one cud bring a smile to my face the way Omega does. I finally settled for Chris Tomlin (which btw is an AWESOME cd). I felt pretty good about listening to it, but i couldnt help but be completely frustrated about my disappearing wow cd. I really had to question myself. Out of the multitude of choices of cds that i have to listen to, why did I still want Omega?

That reminded me of a life before knowing Christ. I think that in each of our lives, we're looking for that Omega cd. We can have so many things around us to choose from to fill that longing for the Omega. But nothing will fill that place inside of you like being able to listen to that Omega cd. Sure, the Chris Tomlin cd is great, and satisfying, but still you cant help but feel like you want the Omega cd. It's the same way with God. We look to our personal abilities, our family, friends, and a multitude of other things to keep us content with life. But ultimately, nothing....nothing....can fill you up the way Christ can. I know i'll always want more stuff and i cant have everything i want...but all of life comes down to just one thing: to know God and make Him known....and that's sufficient.. that's all i really need.

so i was going on my God Hunt today. And i was driving home from church when it began to rain REALLY hard. As i was driving i saw this dad with his 2 kids seeking shelter from the rain under a tree drenching wet, and i really wanted to stop for them, but something told me to drive on. When i got to a stop sign i wanted to turn around, but something inside me told me to pray. So i began to pray and i asked God to stop the rain or at least make the rain die down a bit so that this family could go home. After i said amen. The rain stopped. I heaved a sigh and suddenly it began to rain again! So i began to pray for the rain again, i prayed the same prayer over and over and over. I said amen. The rain stopped again.... i heaved another sigh....the rain started again... i prayed again....and i finally got the trend. So i prayed and drove all the way home. By the time i got was only sprinkling outside....barely raining. Praise the Lord.

gosh.. God's gotta be the kewlest guy ever. Have a great week!!!

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