Friday, April 02, 2004

all rained out......
"Rainy Days" --- mary j. blige

I love rain. Everything is refreshing about it except for the humidity of the wretched houston weather. I like how little drops fall on my eyelashes and I can see water drops fluttering when I blink. I like how rain smells and how puddles form so that I can jump in them. I like laughing in the rain and how it makes me feel like I'm in the movies. Rain brings back both the best and worst of times. It was raining today....and my last meet forever got cancelled.

Techincally speaking, I still have 2 more meets....both district meets....but those aren't as fun because there's more pressure and they're really boring and strict. Plus they're at the new Hightower stadium this year, so most of us aren't riding on the bus cuz it's so close. It was so much fun on the bus today. The boys were all gossiping in the back; while the girls were playing track girls rock. I'm actually really gonna miss spending 12 hours every friday with them. This has been the best track season ever. I've gotten to know the girls better over the years and we actually say hi to each other in the halls now, and we talk about significant things instead of the usual... oh i have a test to study for. It's interesting how this year turned out. I really pushed myself this year.....I guess I was trying to discover what my limit is....and you know, every drip of sweat and hard work put out this year was all worth it. Man, track has been such a big part of my life for so many's hard to believe it's finally over. How bittersweet =)

I actually have a ton to blog about tonight....but not I dont really feel like finishing....but I had every intention of blogging about something.....maybe if i remember what it is...i'll enlighten you.

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