Monday, September 29, 2003

Onward Christian Soldier.......

random thought: What a powerful weapon the mouth is. News travels fast through the mouth, words scar, and a lot of what you say shows who you are.

Jenn called today before her 4pm class, it was quite unexpected and a total day maker! Thanx Jenn! So this six weeks is essentially 4 full weeks and 4 days. Meaning double the fun. Teachers are gonna work our fanny's and their fanny's off just to get all those crazy grades. *sigh* The cycle of the six weeks is returning to my memory....the vicious cycle of chumphood is finally returning to my system.

herm.. my mind is quite disfunctional right now and it's becoming diffcult to conjure up something to write about. so i bid you farewell and have a great week.

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