Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I'm not dead yet......DAY 1

Herm.... so day one, feeling pretty good....for the most part. Boy this sure came at a good time. Mondo loadsa work today, but i'm a fighter. So i'm studying on the floor and my mom walks in.

Mom: Ophie...what kinda music are you listening to? It doesnt seem to be in english? Are you feeling alright?
me: yeah.. im koo just Jay Chou.
(5 min later)
Mom: ophie....why are you still listening to the same song... jim shmo?
me: *smiles*

I think it's time i go find my cds. They sorta disappeared after the canton retreat *tear* But for now... it's time to hone my knowledge of the economy with a little bit of physics and chem on the side. Woot.

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