Tuesday, September 16, 2003

brains fart.....

the greatest achievement of my senior year happened tonight. My goal for the past two years has been to run around the lake near my house (about 3 miles) without stopping. I've always had to stop for at least 10 seconds to catch my breath. However, tonight i decided i needed to run; since i havent run in approximately 3 months. SO i went... i ran... i conquered. I ran the entire circumference of the lake neighborhood without stopping!!!! *shocked* i think what did it was listening to music while i ran. After i got back to my driveway... i actually wanted to make another lap, but i decided to go do strenghths instead. my life is complete. hehe...

for the past 20 minutes.... i've been staring at my college essay prompt. dontcha just hate it when you know wut you wanna say....but u cant put it into words? I've always disliked essays, only because im not anything amazing when it comes to writing them. In fact, it's an obstacle for me to write essays. But they're worth the right noh?

herm... im seriously having second thoughts abt physics. Althought i really like the class.... i just got the worst grade in the history of my high school career in there. It was amazing.... getting THAT grade was actually possible.... i practically laughed for 45 minutes. But no regrets.... what's happened..happened...wut's meant to happen has.... who knows y God stuck me in physics when i wanted to drop it....maybe time will heal these poor grades. pft*

college essay numba 3.......cant wait till the storm clears. *sigh*

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