Saturday, September 27, 2003

God is awesome....wud be an understatement

It's crazy how good life can be with God as the center of it. All the good stuff that's going on in my life right now, i owe it all completely and utterly to his undying love for me. It's so amazing how He answers prayers with such a BAM. You can be praying and praying and praying about something, and when God finally answers answer is so perfect. It's shocking. *mouth drops open*

I am speechless so i shall leave you with this..........

Heaven's hope was written in the stars
Before the mark of time
Your heart and mine were destined to entwine
You're calling, calling, calling to me
And I'm falling into love
Sweet love, so heavenly

Heaven's Heart-- Michelle Tumes
(something i heard while running today)

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