Monday, September 15, 2003

gien gien dine dine aiyh......

it's a bummer i dont know pin yin =P

Is it possible to ever be satisfied with your college essay? I'll answer that myself....NO! I've spent the past 3 days trying to formulate my multitude-set-aparter essay, but to no avail. Although i do find some satisfaction in believing that after several revisions, my product is better than what i began with. The first essay that i wrote, i totally changed the entire thing the second time around. However, I'm still trying to finish up my second essay. Actually, i'm sorta enjoying this whole writing essay business. Although it's over the fringe of tediousness, but I think i discover new things about myself as i write these bad boys.

was reading diane's "blog" today, and clicked the link to view UW's new computer science's the most beautiful thing EVER.. it's so awesome. It has SOOO many windows!!!! and stairs!!!!! What cracked me up a lot was a picture of this guy sitting on the balcony area. This guy looked asian, which isnt surprising considering it IS a computer science building in seattle. But the funny part was the site had lotsa pictures of the new building, and there were several pictures of the asian cs guy, and in every picture, the camera angle is a little different, but the asian dude is still there sitting in front of his laptop. heheh... funny stuff.

i cant believe it's the end of the 6th weeks next week..... nightmare. It's time to put up my amor and be a fighter.

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