Saturday, November 16, 2002

Kinna weird how a phase of people can hit a brick wall together. One morning you wake up and find that your head hurts. Right at the moment, you know your world has turned upside down, and the fluid in your brain is rushing in the opposite direction. Each step you take during the day is a burden, almost painful. Walking down the hall, it feels as though the world should collapse at any given moment. To your dismay, it doesn't. Instead, it forces you to move on with life. As your heart grows heavier, the feeling embraced is one of seclusion. You just want to isolate yourself from the world, lay in bed, and curl up like a ball. When the day comes to a close, you do curl up in bed, covers tucked under your neck. In an instant, sleep overcomes. Upon entering the dream world, nightmares haunt you, cold sweat dribbles from your forehead. All you want to do is wake up, but you cant. Upon waking, you realize that the nightmare is the reality which you live in everyday.

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