Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Had a fun D-ship tonite. Got into random discussions about some perdy tite stuff. Doncha wish we all had a little Job in us? It's very encouraging to see how through all that tough stuff... he STILL came through.... i really have to think twice about whether or not i'd do things the Job way in his situations. Then we went on about was stated that God made guys to be the "wild" type... the manly, agressive, and initiating type.....So i suppose God intended guys to be... "big man".... but then society today is transforming our guys into... nice... sweet.. gentle... passive...weenies.. (haha. .jp)... leaving the girls to be the agressive... initiating..."big woman" MEN.... lets cut down on the wippage and and transform into the "bear fighting" man. (aka.. Triston (Brad Pitt) from legend of the falls). Girls are seeking spiritual leaders.....ever heard of a weenie spiritual leader?

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