Wednesday, August 11, 2004

when I eat the fruit roll up......

so in the next month....What do I have to look forward to? Why the Olympics of course. In fact, I think I'm anticipating becoming a TV veggie for the Olympics more than going off to school in a week. The concept of college is still quite strange. Why in the world would people want to leave home to live at school...which lacks the comfort of a nice bathroom, spacious room, good home-cooking, and family? I know that that's not college in it's fact I can see many positive aspects of going off to a new place, new bathroom, new basement style living, new food, and my new family Justine =D Obviously, I have much to look forward to in weeks to come.

Like everything else this's been unlike all the other ones. I feel like every experience God has put me through, I've come out with a new life lesson. I can't say that every lesson has been pleasant, but everything has definitely been worth the experience. God's really helped me find my passions and unravels a bit more of that puzzle he's slowly piecing together for me. I guess going to college has it's excitement because of all that stuff God has in store for each and every one of us. I feel like my life has had its numerous share of ups, and many times I feel so incredibly undeserved of God's grace and blessing in every aspect of my life. But the more I look at my life...the more I want to live for Him...and in that way He's teaching me how to deal with the downs that I encounter. I truly believe that with every down situation, there is a treasure to be dug out. Live expectantly, believing that God will bring beauty out of all that this dark world has to offer.

Lamentations 3:22 "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."

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