Sunday, May 11, 2003

the world goes round and round........

awww my sister is a wimp for tears....hehee she just finished watching this movie (a louis koo movie mind u) and apparently his wife and him were forced to forget each other some how.....and she got so sad that she began to cry and she said to my mom:

(points to eyes) "mom..look"
mom: "oh no.. did u get sand in your eye"
(pause and scratches her head)
isabel: no mom...i'm crying
mom: why are u crying
izz: cuz it's SOOO sad....

so tonite at dinner... i heard something interesting that was preached in the mandarin service or something.

ask yourself the following three questions:
1. are you happy in the morning?
2. are you happy monday mornings?
3. are you happy when you get criticized?

if the answer to all three questions is are a very happy person...

i woulda updated abt prom...cept i figured that would take a lot of time so i'll talk about that tomorrow....i needed to do something productive before i began to study for bio ap....SO... stay tune tomorrow for some massive updatage...until next time folks.....good morning...good afternoon...and good night...

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