Wednesday, May 29, 2002

ok.. i wrote this long message yesterday... and hum.. it just deleted.. well something happened and it pissed me off... it was a long one and i dont feel like re-typing it......i know that life is driving some of us insane these days..haha.. christine and I were suffering from an "end of year fit of rage" and we came up with some solutions........
1) run around the house cussing everything out (christines)
2) sit in ur bathtub reading comic books (ophi)
3) sit next to ur toiliet and start talking to it (this seems to be the favorite for the guys)

pooh.. tuesday ended.. pooh poohy....i'm so scared... i think i mite have failed both my english and alg exam...(yikes) that would suck to have two Cs on my transcipt... i would never forgive myself. *sigh*....tomorrow is it... and then it'll all be over for a few months. I can't wait until next wednesdays!!!! Washington here i come!!!.. woohoo!!!...
my brain hurts but i gotta go study for my impossible (so i hear) spanish exam.....hang in there only one day to go!!!!!!!!!! *sob sob*

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