Friday, May 24, 2002

At the present moment, i finally have the time to reflect the peace i am feeling now that my year in World History is finally over. Yes, sad, but sad as it is, my vicious cycle will begin again next year. (to all of you AP US history ppl, may God bless you) It's funny how much longer school seems to be when the year is so close to being over. I gotta admit, as much as this year sucked, i will miss everything about it, only because it will never happen again. I want tuesday to be the longest day of my life, i'm not gonna say why, but i hope it never ends. But when the day is finally over....there my sophomore life will end, and there will go another chapter in my life. I have to say though, this year, even thought it's been such a short period of time, it's certainly has been the longest chapter of my life, second only to last year. Some things have happend that will never happen to me again. Some of which i never want to happen again but other moments i just want to replay them over and over again. My least favorite day of school in the history of my school career, will always be the first day of sophomore year. (more like the 1st week) and my favorite class ever, (just like 8th grade english) will always be 1st semester, 4th period Biology. *wink wink*'re probably wondering why i'm writing this utterly depressing message with 3 days of school left to spare....actually that's a good question, why am i writing this so early? I really don't know. You know wut's really crazy tho? Most of you that are reading this will be juniors next year (including myself). I can already feel the stress coming at me. I know junior year will be insane and i hope i like everything about it. (inside joke- yea by my self J) As the 2002 school year rolls to an end and the 2003 school yr is yet to come, and if i don't see you over the summer, or ever again, i just want to say : Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good Nite HAGS!!

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