Thursday, May 06, 2004

I'll be there for you....when the rain starts to fall.....

You know, it's a funny thing. The whole good grades and fluff has never really bothered me until about 5 seconds ago when I realized I could have changed the course of my history. My dad and I vented to the chair for a little while, but now the steam has dispersed. I admit, I've been guilty of being study anal several times in my existence, but when I enter a test, I figure I've studied enough and it's too late to do anything at that point anyhow. Well, for a moment today, I thought, "dog bummit.. I could have done something." But it was all just one of those fruitless epiphanies that I'll never be able to change. Everything happens for a reason, so there's really no use crying about the past. But it's sad to think what a big poop it all was. baahh... It's like getting an 89. Ever get one too many of those and feel just a tad on the *raises fist in air* side? It's that *cringe* so close feeling. It's like tantalizing a baby with ice cream on a spoon and never feeding it to his mouth! Eventually, that feeling sort of dies and you're left with a whole bunch of what ifs. What if I had done this differently? What if I had gotten to eat that ice cream off the spoon.....?

So enough of this nonsense. Friends ended well, but slightly disappointing. For obvious reasons, this wonderful ten year situational comedy has come to an abrupt close. Well, where there is an end, there is a beginning. I guess nothing beats ending such an awesome show than the year 2004. The forever finale of Friends is only the beginning to the cycle of stuff that is to come this year. In a few weeks, class of '04 will walk across that podium and go down in Clements history. Then there will be a spectacular summer Olympic games and THEN the soon-to-be class of '08 will come stampeding into college campuses. So many WHOAs this year. It's just like trying to recover from the migrane you have after AP exams. Definitely takes some time.

Speaking of APs...I am SO thankful that I am done with them....for this week. One more to go...Chem...but I suppose it's a battle that shall be tackled with feriocity. Might as well win this years APs with a mighty victory right? I think taking AP exams is such an emotional experience. There are so many thoughts and feelings poured into every question, every free response; and afterwards you're left with this all-thought-out feeling of relief that you can finally put your pencil down and breathe...even if it's only for a brief second. I always walk out of the boys gym after the AP exams with a sense of accomplishment. There's a level of pride that go into the words "I am a mighty survior of the _________ exam." Before every exam, I always say a quick prayer, and let me be the first to tell you that that is the greatest weapon against giving up when this one prose piece in the wackitywackwack free response section of the english literature exam throws you off course. When my hand was vigorously shaking, and sweat beads were dripping from my brow after the Lit exam, I praised the Lord for the strength to conquer that beast. For the first time in my life I was overwhelmed by english, and I was worried walking in this morning. But all fears subsided and as you can see, I have survived to tell the story. Prayer will never fail you, only your human strength will.

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