Monday, July 28, 2003

walk like an egyptian......

i've made a sister is pigeon-toed. we were walking into church for the missionary appreciation dinner and i looked down at her feet and she was stepping all over herself. and so i questioned her footing. and she kept trying to fix her footing and saying, "gah jie... is this how you walk?" *sigh* i think when she was little we use to do these feet fixing exercises to prevent her pigeon- toedness. Unfortunately it didnt work for her. Me on the other hand, i had the same problem but my folks did the exercises on me and it worked. I actually walk pretty straight now. My mom on the other hand walks kinda funny....She does some inverted pigeon-toed thing if that makes any sense.

tonight's missionary appreciation dinner was pretty kewl. There were missionaries of all ethinicities, serving in different nations of the world. It was neat to see everyone talking to them and to see the missionaries and seminary students sharing so openly about what God's been doing in their lives. And they had so much patience, because at each table they got rotated to during dinner, they were asked basically the same questions, but each time they responded with just as thorough the answer as the last table. Then we had the chance to pray for some of the missionaries our church supports. I really liked just praying for the needs these missionaries had on their hearts, and praying for them helps us be a part of their ministry and Gods.

Then there was this kewl testimony. There was this one missionary, Pastor Joseph, who was a seaman before he went into ministry. One time when his ship was stationed in galveston, this other seaman came on board and passed tracks to some of the crew and many of them came to know Jesus. This seaman that came to share God's love onboard happened to be one of the missionaries at the dinner tonight, Pastor Tom Malone. It was kewl cuz they didnt recognize each other but Pastor Joseph remembered that back in 1975 when he was in galveston (btw he's a missionary in Brazil now) that Pastor Malone drove a volkswagon and he took the crew shopping. Then Pastor Malone verified that he did drive a volkswagon back in '75. So yea... that was awesome. so yea.. there's always prayer for missionaries cuz... it's definitely a big step of faith to do wut missionaries and seminary students do. so yea, support missionaries through prayer.

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