Wednesday, July 23, 2003

I just wanna be with You... i want this waiting to be over....

what's the name of that Chris Rice song above?

Flamingo Island has some nice houses, reminds me of the Waters of Avalon subdivision. (but not as kewl obviously;) And their houses have this crazy thing with 3 stories. Actual three story houses and not basements (cuz it's texas, no use for those rite?) Yea... so Olivia and I went to clean some houses today. Kinna funny... the Olivia and Ophelia cleaning crew ^_* I'm sure that after our 4 hrs of labor, Olivia is quite tired of wiping windows and cleaning toliets, as i am tired of vacuuming and sweeping. I think i'm going to dream brooms and dust pans tonight. But as mrs. Fong mentioned "it's a good experience". But then again, she's a mom, so her words cud imply that once you get home you'll be well trained to do house cleaning at your own house. Actually i wudnt mind so much cuz... hopefully my house doesnt have as much dust as those unfinished homes.

vbs today was awesome. I need to give my skit team a BIG thanx. They get my back every nite when i forget my lines and mess stuff up....and play around with my words until they give each other, myself, and the audience funny looks. I definitely need to treat amanda, timmy, doulos, and ashley once we survive this week, cuz they sure deserve it. and if you see them, make sure you give them a Great job or a way to go... cuz they memorize some crazy lines and deal with a crazy grandmum....*cough*me*cough*
I had an awesome devotion tonite. i read acts 22, and Paul was basically telling his testimony. The neat part is that in the skits that i've been performing this week for vbs, i've been telling the excat same story. It's funny how the things i teach the kids, i can learn myself. I'm also a site leader for vbs, and i've been teaching the same lesson since monday. But until today, it never really hit that i should be standing in front of the mirror telling myself the things that i've been teaching the kids. Teaching them to be a living sacrifice, to be holy, to not conform to the pattern of this world, to transform our minds. (btw our key verse is Romans 12:1-2) For me, God just brought a whole new meaning to memorizing skits and teaching lessons. once again.. i cant help but PTL! ^_^

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