Friday, September 30, 2005

home is the only place you can wear funny looking clothes and not be funny looking.......

when i stepped outta the car and planted my feet into my driveway it almost felt like I'd entered into another world. the concept of time is so strange at home especially when everyone is showered and in bed by 10. it always feels later than it actually is. Good thing it's friday and my family is kinda hyper so they're sorta awake.

Just watched Initial D. I'd say that it's a very typical hong kong stars film. I liked it but I won't comment too much cuz I think you should watch it. (especially if you're a jay chou fan or even if you're not....=)) It has a very jay chou-ish theme song. i think my sister is a jay chou fan now...after we finished watching the movie, her and my dad wanted to watch it again. I must admit though the guys in the movie can't really act (except for maybe Anthony Wong) there's a pretty eye-candy loaded cast. check it out.

stopped by work today. *sigh* I know the kids don't remember me anymore, but they call me Miss Heidi and give me HUGE hugs. Talking with old co-workers and seeing the little ones march to snack makes me wanna go back and work. I want to wake up at 8am every morning to something I look foward to....which was how this past summer was. I'm slowly beginning to enjoy the changes that sophomore year brings. No doubt things are different but rich in blessings as well. There are SO many highlights already that I can talk about from the past couple of weeks. Yet, I can't help but miss this past summer and how things at home are just so simple. But everyday is a new surprise and how cool is it to wake up every morning to discover what it'll be.

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