Monday, April 04, 2005

a cool prayer.....

got this in a email and it really exemplified the things in my heart and maybe it will speak to you too.

I kneel in Your presence Lord knowing that You are my creator, Father and protector.

I give thanks for the gifts of Your Son and Holy Spirit whom are always there for me with their love, trust, guidance, patience and forgiveness.

I give thanks for all that I have and all that You have given
me, especially your love and the many earthly gifts and blessings you have bestowed upon me.

I pray especially for my family and friendships.

I thank you also for my spiritual gifts and talents and for the opportunity You have given me to use them.

I am grateful for Your peace and for the places You have provided for me to be myself. I pray that You will help others come to know Your peace and grace.

I ask for Your help with all the things that keep me from being all that I should.

Please help me to be more patient and allow me to keep the right attitude.

Please give me strength I need to control my temper and to be more tolerant of others.

Please stay with me Lord and help me to grow in faith and trust you more and the world less.

Please show me how to balance my time better and be less selfish.

Please be with me and help me to take the opportunities to serve others.

I ask for Your forgiveness for my offenses, especially for those times when I mistreat my family, betray a confidence, am dishonest, impatient or judgmental.

I confess thatI don't always put enough trust in You and find myself led astray by the physical world and I am truly sorry.

These prayers and petitions I asked in the name of Your son, Jesus, my Savior. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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