These past 19 years (yes...I am 19....glasses wearing, hearing aid needing, memory losing old that would make all you 20 yr olds out there....what? jk!) have truly been a blessing. I feel like my birthday is always a second thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for, and yet I have nothing to say, or I just cant say enough to express the appreciation I have to live the life that I have been given. There's much thanks to the people, for the things, and to God that have filled the past almost two decades of my life. A huge hug to everyone who made my first day as a 19 yr old super awesome. Thanx for all the bday wishes and phone calls!
oooo never had a cookie cake...perdy cool lookin eh? (and if u look carefully...I'm only turning 17 =P)

i'm impressed

you guys totally rock =)

and now thanks to Karen...I have been reminded....

It was kinda sad not being able to share my bday with my family for the first time in my life, especially since my mom and I always celebrate our bdays together. But my dad sent me a virtual bday cake, and I got to talk to my mom on the phone to wish her a happy bday, and my sister kissed me over the phone, and I enjoyed a very amazing memory to carry with me for many many days, months, and years to come!
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