Wednesday, December 01, 2004

butterfly kisses after bedtime prayers.......

Reflecting on my classes this past semester, I've actually enjoyed them. It's strange how after taking bio so many times, I enjoyed it the most this time around. The insanity that college brings. Every class (with the exception of social stats) seems to have been of value to me. Justine and I have this interesting habit of sharing with one another the facinating facts we learn about in class. College really is an educational experience. I just hope I can say the same about next semester. It's not so important for me to take the easy classes for the grade anymore. I'd rather work hard to learn something valuable and interesting....cuz getting good grades is just another waste of time if I've worked hard to retain nothing.

Although, I didn't enjoy social stats, it will definitely be of some value in the future once I get into the field.... afterall...i sorta know how to use SPSS now! an achievement. hm...or college is turning me back to my nerdhood. Intro to social work has led me to much self discovery and in some ways deepened my ability to think for myself. Psychology, learned a lot about the human psyche and many strange techniques on how to get people to like you.....haha. Biology....a lot of environmental awareness and how wasteful we our ecosystem is deteriorating and many other startling truths that are affecting the future of mankind.

I guess our loss of innonce is due to the fact that we know too much as we age. We learn all these harsh realities of life and all the flaws of humanity. Thank God there is grace in the world and hope for the future. I like to think the grass is greener on the other side, blue skies after the rain, the glass is half full.... I don't want to be those people that lose that sense of child-like creativity as I age. the morbid thoughts of an aging bad =P Getting older is a process of gaining experience and wisdom and fond memories....and you acquire more pictures in your that is an event worth celebrating.

be very afraid... I like country music! =)

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