mary's cow.....
so we're eating at Maggiano's and J-E asks me if Mary Had A Little Lamb had something to do with Jesus....and as we dissected that rang a little Jesus music in our ears.
Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb (Mary, mother of Jesus had a little lamb, the lamb of God who was to be slain for all our transgressions) (x2)
Marry had a little lamb it's fleece was white as snow (white, the color of purity, Jesus, God's son -- the sinless)
Everywhere that Mary went the Lamb was sure to go (Jesus was always with her just like he's always with us.)
that's pretty cool how a simple children's song can have such divine implications when you read the lines in another light.
and that ladies and gentlemen, concludes my blogging for the rest of the year. Merry belated Christmas and a happy New Year to all....and to all a good night. =)
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
a wrinkle in time......
ode to a wonderful semester. Here are just SOME of the fond memories I've made. A picture's worth a thousand words no?
In the beginning there was EKG...awesome girls....awesome small group.
Good thing the number of students in the school of social work is small...hopefully I'll be seeing more of my wonderful fig gals.
hidey hoedown...danced the night away
Homedawg Coming 2004
one more *clap clap* dive *clap clap* DuuuCk TAAaape....
fish pond at AACM retreat =)
A taste of the sweetness in Sugar Land during Thanksgiving leftover feast at Pecan park.
celebration of old age
SB SG at the Hula Hut....last reunion before the break
pleasant visits from our SA pals =)
HEB pies are mighty tasty.....=D
each moment a blessing, thank God for yet another day to live. May all your days be merry and bright....and hopefully your Christmases will be white....
ode to a wonderful semester. Here are just SOME of the fond memories I've made. A picture's worth a thousand words no?
In the beginning there was EKG...awesome girls....awesome small group.

Good thing the number of students in the school of social work is small...hopefully I'll be seeing more of my wonderful fig gals.

hidey hoedown...danced the night away

Homedawg Coming 2004

one more *clap clap* dive *clap clap* DuuuCk TAAaape....

fish pond at AACM retreat =)

A taste of the sweetness in Sugar Land during Thanksgiving leftover feast at Pecan park.

celebration of old age

SB SG at the Hula Hut....last reunion before the break

pleasant visits from our SA pals =)

HEB pies are mighty tasty.....=D

each moment a blessing, thank God for yet another day to live. May all your days be merry and bright....and hopefully your Christmases will be white....
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Saturday, December 18, 2004
stop fishing.......
Photographs are often images of the most memorable, fond moments in life (that is unless you are my parents, who thoroughly enjoy the agony of their crying child and take pictures as momentos for future humiliation and shame =)). A blog is sorta like that sometimes. People take those moments that are most memorable and write them out so they can share it as an image to others the joy that they experience. obviously, if it's happy business, you cant hold it in right? However, blogs also have the opposing function of photos, they instead capture what you don't see in the pictures. Funny how people can be so open when typing versus verbal vulnerability in person. Is there some psychology to go with that?
sour patch kids and swedish fish are up there on the candy chain.
randomness is a state of mind?
quote of the day: "If you can carry a good conversation, I'll do my best to entertain you."
The winter break is one week gone, are you still alive?
Photographs are often images of the most memorable, fond moments in life (that is unless you are my parents, who thoroughly enjoy the agony of their crying child and take pictures as momentos for future humiliation and shame =)). A blog is sorta like that sometimes. People take those moments that are most memorable and write them out so they can share it as an image to others the joy that they experience. obviously, if it's happy business, you cant hold it in right? However, blogs also have the opposing function of photos, they instead capture what you don't see in the pictures. Funny how people can be so open when typing versus verbal vulnerability in person. Is there some psychology to go with that?
sour patch kids and swedish fish are up there on the candy chain.
randomness is a state of mind?
quote of the day: "If you can carry a good conversation, I'll do my best to entertain you."
The winter break is one week gone, are you still alive?
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
red fish blue fish one fish two fish.......
I finally watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. everyone has those events in their lives that they wish to erase. what if it was possible to take from your memory that person or those things that you wish to forget? initially thinking, it's logical to conclude that our lives would be better of if there really was an institute that could give you a clean slate from those memories. But instead would we, like Jim Carey in the movie, wish to keep the suddenly fading retrospections? Isn't it true that most of the time there are fond memories to counterbalance the painful ones? Why do we usually come out of the picture with only the painful ones that only time will heal? I thoroughly enjoyed that movie, you should go watch it if you have not =)
This past week was movie madness for my cousin and I. We also watched Cold Mountain. It's tedious in the middle (cousin started snoring), but worth staying awake for the end. In a nutshell, it's about a story of how love at first sight can change your life.... or make you risk it.... as well as how emotionally scaring war can be for everyone... and how sad it was that our great nation was once divided. Yet another movie I recommend watching....but then again...i like lots of movies.
Dodgeball was another story. It was somewhat funny, entertaining....but not my favorite movie. I must say that I would rather wisely invest my time watching David Zoolander than White Goodman anyday. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this movie...view at your own discretion...or if you just like that kind of humor....which i tend not to appreciate so much.
I'm still at a loss for words that my first semester as a big Fish is over. Not only do I not feel older (rather the opposite), but the fact that some of my childhood buds are graduating in less than a semester is wild. It's a strange thought that the little kids I use to play handball with outside my garage door is going to grad school. Not to mention my cousin is graduating soon too. Tonight, we were looking through old childhood pictures and we found one of when she was five and i was three....shoot we look exactly the same, just the proportions are little blown up now. Is time suppose to pass by more quickly when you're in college? I hear you seem to feel like you age more quickly too. Good thing this past semester has made me feel more youthful, I bet it's cuz Juice is sucha kid and it's rubbin off on me =P Besides that this semester has been great. Sure it's had it's ups and downs, but definitely life changing in a positive way. Reflecting on this past semester, I know one thing for sure....drawing close to God is your problem free philosophy =)
enjoy break and dont fret too much about the little things....there are bigger problems in the world besides yourself.
I finally watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. everyone has those events in their lives that they wish to erase. what if it was possible to take from your memory that person or those things that you wish to forget? initially thinking, it's logical to conclude that our lives would be better of if there really was an institute that could give you a clean slate from those memories. But instead would we, like Jim Carey in the movie, wish to keep the suddenly fading retrospections? Isn't it true that most of the time there are fond memories to counterbalance the painful ones? Why do we usually come out of the picture with only the painful ones that only time will heal? I thoroughly enjoyed that movie, you should go watch it if you have not =)
This past week was movie madness for my cousin and I. We also watched Cold Mountain. It's tedious in the middle (cousin started snoring), but worth staying awake for the end. In a nutshell, it's about a story of how love at first sight can change your life.... or make you risk it.... as well as how emotionally scaring war can be for everyone... and how sad it was that our great nation was once divided. Yet another movie I recommend watching....but then again...i like lots of movies.
Dodgeball was another story. It was somewhat funny, entertaining....but not my favorite movie. I must say that I would rather wisely invest my time watching David Zoolander than White Goodman anyday. I'm not sure if I'd recommend this movie...view at your own discretion...or if you just like that kind of humor....which i tend not to appreciate so much.
I'm still at a loss for words that my first semester as a big Fish is over. Not only do I not feel older (rather the opposite), but the fact that some of my childhood buds are graduating in less than a semester is wild. It's a strange thought that the little kids I use to play handball with outside my garage door is going to grad school. Not to mention my cousin is graduating soon too. Tonight, we were looking through old childhood pictures and we found one of when she was five and i was three....shoot we look exactly the same, just the proportions are little blown up now. Is time suppose to pass by more quickly when you're in college? I hear you seem to feel like you age more quickly too. Good thing this past semester has made me feel more youthful, I bet it's cuz Juice is sucha kid and it's rubbin off on me =P Besides that this semester has been great. Sure it's had it's ups and downs, but definitely life changing in a positive way. Reflecting on this past semester, I know one thing for sure....drawing close to God is your problem free philosophy =)
enjoy break and dont fret too much about the little things....there are bigger problems in the world besides yourself.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
black knight........
soo i went to pick up my cousin today. And it was totally cool, cuz she looks the same as she did the last time I saw her (which was when I was 5 and she was 7). I find that with all my family members, no matter how long we haven't seen each other (or even if we've never seen each other before) we click pretty well, and it always seems like we've been friends for a long time. There's something about having blood relations that automatically allows you to be stupid and ridiculous with them. However, I think my cousin and I are about three times removed, but distantly related in some distant cousin kind of way.
Not that I take things as signs, but I thought something was strange today. In the course of about 6 to 7 hours, three different people, on three different occassions, said "good life". They either said, "we live a good life" "you live a good life" or "I live a good life". I didn't think that saying "good life" was so common. So then I thought about the concept of "good life." The more I think about it, the more "good" I feel like my life currently is. However, that is always a scary thought. Everytime things are going well in my life, I get hit by rocks (not literally, more in a metaphoric kind of sense). Things either start turning for the worse, or I come to some uncanny revelation about my life. Nevertheless, amidst all the problems, life is always still good. It's all in perspective. I have more than I could ever ask for or imagine. Good life.... what does that really mean?
soo i went to pick up my cousin today. And it was totally cool, cuz she looks the same as she did the last time I saw her (which was when I was 5 and she was 7). I find that with all my family members, no matter how long we haven't seen each other (or even if we've never seen each other before) we click pretty well, and it always seems like we've been friends for a long time. There's something about having blood relations that automatically allows you to be stupid and ridiculous with them. However, I think my cousin and I are about three times removed, but distantly related in some distant cousin kind of way.
Not that I take things as signs, but I thought something was strange today. In the course of about 6 to 7 hours, three different people, on three different occassions, said "good life". They either said, "we live a good life" "you live a good life" or "I live a good life". I didn't think that saying "good life" was so common. So then I thought about the concept of "good life." The more I think about it, the more "good" I feel like my life currently is. However, that is always a scary thought. Everytime things are going well in my life, I get hit by rocks (not literally, more in a metaphoric kind of sense). Things either start turning for the worse, or I come to some uncanny revelation about my life. Nevertheless, amidst all the problems, life is always still good. It's all in perspective. I have more than I could ever ask for or imagine. Good life.... what does that really mean?
i like the option of bumming around. sooo home sweeeet home. Home is where the family is. It's weird coming home and my room is a mess; even though I cleaned it before I left after thanxgiving. I will be venturing early in the morning to pick up my cousin that I have not seen since I was 5. We use to be really good friends cuz we have all these pictures together in photo albums....i wonder how I'm suppose to recognize her when I pick her up......
have a nice day =)
i like the option of bumming around. sooo home sweeeet home. Home is where the family is. It's weird coming home and my room is a mess; even though I cleaned it before I left after thanxgiving. I will be venturing early in the morning to pick up my cousin that I have not seen since I was 5. We use to be really good friends cuz we have all these pictures together in photo albums....i wonder how I'm suppose to recognize her when I pick her up......
have a nice day =)
Thursday, December 09, 2004
cuz it's all in my head replaying over and over again.........
if the time i invested in reading web logs was used for studying or reading the books i planned to finish this semester, I'd probably be really book smart. If you know me, you know I like to spit out random facts of the day ever so often. I like to learn, what can I say? However, I do think that the time invested in reading blogs is worth it. In many respects it's nice to know what other people think about particular things, and understand a little of how you think about the same subject. It's enjoyable to keep up with peoples' lives that you dont get to see often, especially when many people like to share about what has been happening to them. (just to let you in on a little secret, according to the books that I read....Heart of Darkness...*cough* cough* people enjoy reading about the lives of other people.....quacky the impact that horrible book has on me) In fact, it's even nice to know what's going on in peoples' lives that you see all the time. There's never enough hours in the day to express all the stuff that happens in ones life...and that somehow gets expressed through these web journal dealios.
Have you ever heard of the Melancholy Music Syndrome? Perhaps you have not, or you may unknowingly suffer from it. People who suffer from this syndrome often listen to sappy, sad, sentimental, hopeless-romantic, boys singing about girls, breaking up stuff, and other such like music, at the wee hours of the morning, when your brain is just blazing with thoughts. Soon the music (or just all of life's wrongs) conjures up some strong (often somewhat bitter) feelings about your life, people you see in your life, or life in general and you just dont feel like expressing those emotions to the "n" number of people you happen to be talking online with at the very moment; because none of them seem to be a worthy enough friend (or no one seems like a real friend) to share such intense feelings the solution? Blogging of course. Sound familiar? Maybe it's just my imagination and no one can really relate to this imaginary, somewhat ludicrous disease. It's that emotion that stirs up when you're surrounded by a ton of people, yet you can be so alone in the world. When I read about the lives of people that fit this diagnosis, I feel helpless and pray hopefully that somehow they can see that all they need is the same Jesus that completes me. Of course....all things.....always easier said than done....and Im a pretty simple-minded person.....
yet it amazes me....that God wants to care for our problems. He wants us to lay down our burdens, our bitterness, and our pain....into His hands. There is Someone in the world who wants us to live at peace...who wants us to feel like there is something, there is someone, worth living for.....and by george He wants us to feel like there is Someone in this world that cares. People say that God isn't real, isn't there because we cant feel him, we can't see him. But family and friends (ate least those that actually love and care about us even though we may not think so) are tangible evidence of God's character....his love...encouragement... patience....and caring nature. Unbelievable right? I'm not saying that your friends and family are a taste....a tiny morsel to savor...of what God is like. (at least all that is good)
you have been loved and cared for at some point, and let that be hope that there is Someone out there, in this seemingly hopeless world, that loves and cares for you.....and just maybe you'll discover that to be the Jesus that completes me.
"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:4
no one said the world is perfect.... must have been the reason why someone created the word perseverance, what would life be like if there was no such thing?
I'm rambling (and procrastinating) thanks for listening =) (I believe it's because someone cares in the world!) but you probably should be studying huh?
we can love because He first loved us....... (it's possible)
haha....that patagonia chicken sandwich is getting to me...I'm trying too hard to be uplifting when this is all a buncha jibber jabber to many.....I'm sure.
we all could use a little more Jesus music in our lives
if the time i invested in reading web logs was used for studying or reading the books i planned to finish this semester, I'd probably be really book smart. If you know me, you know I like to spit out random facts of the day ever so often. I like to learn, what can I say? However, I do think that the time invested in reading blogs is worth it. In many respects it's nice to know what other people think about particular things, and understand a little of how you think about the same subject. It's enjoyable to keep up with peoples' lives that you dont get to see often, especially when many people like to share about what has been happening to them. (just to let you in on a little secret, according to the books that I read....Heart of Darkness...*cough* cough* people enjoy reading about the lives of other people.....quacky the impact that horrible book has on me) In fact, it's even nice to know what's going on in peoples' lives that you see all the time. There's never enough hours in the day to express all the stuff that happens in ones life...and that somehow gets expressed through these web journal dealios.
Have you ever heard of the Melancholy Music Syndrome? Perhaps you have not, or you may unknowingly suffer from it. People who suffer from this syndrome often listen to sappy, sad, sentimental, hopeless-romantic, boys singing about girls, breaking up stuff, and other such like music, at the wee hours of the morning, when your brain is just blazing with thoughts. Soon the music (or just all of life's wrongs) conjures up some strong (often somewhat bitter) feelings about your life, people you see in your life, or life in general and you just dont feel like expressing those emotions to the "n" number of people you happen to be talking online with at the very moment; because none of them seem to be a worthy enough friend (or no one seems like a real friend) to share such intense feelings the solution? Blogging of course. Sound familiar? Maybe it's just my imagination and no one can really relate to this imaginary, somewhat ludicrous disease. It's that emotion that stirs up when you're surrounded by a ton of people, yet you can be so alone in the world. When I read about the lives of people that fit this diagnosis, I feel helpless and pray hopefully that somehow they can see that all they need is the same Jesus that completes me. Of course....all things.....always easier said than done....and Im a pretty simple-minded person.....
yet it amazes me....that God wants to care for our problems. He wants us to lay down our burdens, our bitterness, and our pain....into His hands. There is Someone in the world who wants us to live at peace...who wants us to feel like there is something, there is someone, worth living for.....and by george He wants us to feel like there is Someone in this world that cares. People say that God isn't real, isn't there because we cant feel him, we can't see him. But family and friends (ate least those that actually love and care about us even though we may not think so) are tangible evidence of God's character....his love...encouragement... patience....and caring nature. Unbelievable right? I'm not saying that your friends and family are a taste....a tiny morsel to savor...of what God is like. (at least all that is good)
you have been loved and cared for at some point, and let that be hope that there is Someone out there, in this seemingly hopeless world, that loves and cares for you.....and just maybe you'll discover that to be the Jesus that completes me.
"Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:4
no one said the world is perfect.... must have been the reason why someone created the word perseverance, what would life be like if there was no such thing?
I'm rambling (and procrastinating) thanks for listening =) (I believe it's because someone cares in the world!) but you probably should be studying huh?
we can love because He first loved us....... (it's possible)
haha....that patagonia chicken sandwich is getting to me...I'm trying too hard to be uplifting when this is all a buncha jibber jabber to many.....I'm sure.
we all could use a little more Jesus music in our lives
Monday, December 06, 2004
"Each birthday that God gives us is a sign of His great love, a gift that He bestows on us-- A blessing from above."
These past 19 years (yes...I am 19....glasses wearing, hearing aid needing, memory losing old that would make all you 20 yr olds out there....what? jk!) have truly been a blessing. I feel like my birthday is always a second thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for, and yet I have nothing to say, or I just cant say enough to express the appreciation I have to live the life that I have been given. There's much thanks to the people, for the things, and to God that have filled the past almost two decades of my life. A huge hug to everyone who made my first day as a 19 yr old super awesome. Thanx for all the bday wishes and phone calls!
oooo never had a cookie cake...perdy cool lookin eh? (and if u look carefully...I'm only turning 17 =P)
i'm impressed
you guys totally rock =)
and now thanks to Karen...I have been reminded....
It was kinda sad not being able to share my bday with my family for the first time in my life, especially since my mom and I always celebrate our bdays together. But my dad sent me a virtual bday cake, and I got to talk to my mom on the phone to wish her a happy bday, and my sister kissed me over the phone, and I enjoyed a very amazing memory to carry with me for many many days, months, and years to come!
These past 19 years (yes...I am 19....glasses wearing, hearing aid needing, memory losing old that would make all you 20 yr olds out there....what? jk!) have truly been a blessing. I feel like my birthday is always a second thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for, and yet I have nothing to say, or I just cant say enough to express the appreciation I have to live the life that I have been given. There's much thanks to the people, for the things, and to God that have filled the past almost two decades of my life. A huge hug to everyone who made my first day as a 19 yr old super awesome. Thanx for all the bday wishes and phone calls!
oooo never had a cookie cake...perdy cool lookin eh? (and if u look carefully...I'm only turning 17 =P)

i'm impressed

you guys totally rock =)

and now thanks to Karen...I have been reminded....

It was kinda sad not being able to share my bday with my family for the first time in my life, especially since my mom and I always celebrate our bdays together. But my dad sent me a virtual bday cake, and I got to talk to my mom on the phone to wish her a happy bday, and my sister kissed me over the phone, and I enjoyed a very amazing memory to carry with me for many many days, months, and years to come!
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
butterfly kisses after bedtime prayers.......
Reflecting on my classes this past semester, I've actually enjoyed them. It's strange how after taking bio so many times, I enjoyed it the most this time around. The insanity that college brings. Every class (with the exception of social stats) seems to have been of value to me. Justine and I have this interesting habit of sharing with one another the facinating facts we learn about in class. College really is an educational experience. I just hope I can say the same about next semester. It's not so important for me to take the easy classes for the grade anymore. I'd rather work hard to learn something valuable and interesting....cuz getting good grades is just another waste of time if I've worked hard to retain nothing.
Although, I didn't enjoy social stats, it will definitely be of some value in the future once I get into the field.... afterall...i sorta know how to use SPSS now! an achievement. hm...or college is turning me back to my nerdhood. Intro to social work has led me to much self discovery and in some ways deepened my ability to think for myself. Psychology, learned a lot about the human psyche and many strange techniques on how to get people to like you.....haha. Biology....a lot of environmental awareness and how wasteful we our ecosystem is deteriorating and many other startling truths that are affecting the future of mankind.
I guess our loss of innonce is due to the fact that we know too much as we age. We learn all these harsh realities of life and all the flaws of humanity. Thank God there is grace in the world and hope for the future. I like to think the grass is greener on the other side, blue skies after the rain, the glass is half full.... I don't want to be those people that lose that sense of child-like creativity as I age. the morbid thoughts of an aging bad =P Getting older is a process of gaining experience and wisdom and fond memories....and you acquire more pictures in your that is an event worth celebrating.
be very afraid... I like country music! =)
Reflecting on my classes this past semester, I've actually enjoyed them. It's strange how after taking bio so many times, I enjoyed it the most this time around. The insanity that college brings. Every class (with the exception of social stats) seems to have been of value to me. Justine and I have this interesting habit of sharing with one another the facinating facts we learn about in class. College really is an educational experience. I just hope I can say the same about next semester. It's not so important for me to take the easy classes for the grade anymore. I'd rather work hard to learn something valuable and interesting....cuz getting good grades is just another waste of time if I've worked hard to retain nothing.
Although, I didn't enjoy social stats, it will definitely be of some value in the future once I get into the field.... afterall...i sorta know how to use SPSS now! an achievement. hm...or college is turning me back to my nerdhood. Intro to social work has led me to much self discovery and in some ways deepened my ability to think for myself. Psychology, learned a lot about the human psyche and many strange techniques on how to get people to like you.....haha. Biology....a lot of environmental awareness and how wasteful we our ecosystem is deteriorating and many other startling truths that are affecting the future of mankind.
I guess our loss of innonce is due to the fact that we know too much as we age. We learn all these harsh realities of life and all the flaws of humanity. Thank God there is grace in the world and hope for the future. I like to think the grass is greener on the other side, blue skies after the rain, the glass is half full.... I don't want to be those people that lose that sense of child-like creativity as I age. the morbid thoughts of an aging bad =P Getting older is a process of gaining experience and wisdom and fond memories....and you acquire more pictures in your that is an event worth celebrating.
be very afraid... I like country music! =)