go tell it on the mountain......
It's been many hours and even some running, but I can still feel the turkey leg I consumed tonight in my stomach. Bottomless stomachs do not exist. I regret not finishing all of my grilled cheese sandwich; dont know when I'll get to eat one again. Is salad gaseous food?
I miss driving home and seeing the sunset back behind university blvd. If you live over there, go watch the sunset....it's truly priceless and it's something worth doing before you turn 60.
further insight on gay marriage issue: (it's an issue I think is important to our society and it's important what others think...so something else to think about and I'll silence a bit for now about gay marriage but anyhow, I'm sure I'll have more interesting social issues I find interesting to hear comments about from my sw class in the future.)
Love the sinner. Hate the sin. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. All sins lead to death, and being heterosexual does not make me less of a sinner than a homosexual is. I can love the homosexual. Loving them is one thing. However, agreeing with their "alternative lifestyle" is another.In Leviticus 18:22 God calls homosexual acts a detestable act. Most of the sexual sins listed in Leviticus 20 are punishable by death (including homosexuality, adultery, and bestiality). God completely annihilated Sodom and Gomorrah for their wickedness (Gen. 19:5-6). All throughout the Old Testament, whenever a city fell into deep sin, God judged them. God judged the cities of old. If indeed God is unchanging, who's to say that He won't judge the cities of today? As a Christian do we not have the right and good reason to fear God's judgment upon America?"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness" (Rom. 1:18).
In a Christian magazine I was reading about the upcoming election, same-sex marriage was a big topic. In an article, Alan Chambers, a former homosexual, writes:"I hope we are not so naive that we think their agenda stops with legalizing same-sex marriages. Ultimately, if this process is not stopped, the gaying of the United States will begin to affect religious freedom:-Churches will be forced to hire gay people in staff positions.-Christian broadcasters will be penalized or even shut down if they air programs that call homosexuality a sin.-Religious people will be jailed for violating "hate speech" laws--because they describe homosexuality as abnormal or immoral.I hope we wake up soon. The apathy that has gripped the church for so long has been costly...The moral crisis we face today is the result not of sinners running loose but rather of Christians remaining passive and prayerless.",
I think by allowing same-sex marriages, we are hurting the gay community rather than helping them. If the church starts to accept same-sex marriages, won't the gay community start to "reconcile homosexuality with Christianity?" Then they will start buying into the lie that homosexuality is merely an "alternative lifestyle." A different "sexual orientation." Are we beginning to forget the freedom that is promised in Christ (1 Corinth. 6:11)?Alan Chambers, the author I quoted earlier, was freed from his bondage of homosexuality through Christ. As Christians, we should proclaim freedom to homosexuals with LOVE. The gospel of Christ is not one of condemnation but one of forgiveness (Rom. 8:1-4). And Christ enables us to love homosexuals and approach them with compassion (not pity) and humility because our own sins also nailed Christ to the cross. Christ bled for the heterosexual and the homosexual. And homosexuality is definitely not the only thing that should be addressed.
The list of sins is endless in this adulterous, lustful, greedy, deceitful nation.This upcoming election is a crucial one. We need to pray heavily about issues like abortion and gay rights. May God guide your voting.
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