Tuesday, October 05, 2004

the day I fell in love with the weather.......

Did I ever tell you how much I love cold weather? Well....I love cold weather a ton. I think I was born to soak up coldness. Maybe that's why I enjoy cold showers. Can I get a holla from all them winter babies out there?

a simile for thought:

Praying is like exercising; we want fast, immediate results, but some things are worth waiting for.

I think it's the season for "I miss blah blah blah from high school." Most people had their little niche in high school, from choir to football, there was a thing that people liked, that made high school worth going to. Myself personally, I miss the track and I miss wearing my too-small spikes. It's a shame I didn't pick a sport I could grow old with. I've always been curious why after years of playing tennis, I never got into it. So I tell ya, the love for sports is definitely not genetic, cuz if you know my parents, you know they're tennisaholics. When I go home, remind me to go take a bounce on the brand spankin new rockin clements track. It'll be a party, you should come.

I really liked this and thought I'd share it with you (it pertains to my previous post).

I think that God's second commandment is what really matters here. Love your neighbor as yourself. I recently changed my views about the GLBT community. I am for gay marriages, because I believe that there is no doubt that 2 homosexual people can love each other just as much as a heterosexual couple can.

And if us as Christians want to show them the truth in God's love, shouldn't we love them and by loving them, respect their lifestyle, by agreeing to same-sex marriages..and other rights that homosexual couples don't have.

I think a homosexual person will be more likely to listen to someone who accepts them than someone who condemns them, and I think that thats what God commands us to do. If we love them as people and not as homosexuals, then I think God will take care of the rest. Okay I'm done. Heh, that was long, but thats what I think :)

P.S...COUNTRY MUSIC?? Ophi.....whats happened to you?? we must come save you!!

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