work like there's not work....
Have I ever told you that I love my job? I'm hoping that when I grow up .... or well I guess get my first indepent job I'll like working as much as I do now (hopefully more =P). If you've seen my "office" it's actually the nursery check-in area. There are two classrooms of age 3 and under behind where I work. Everyday I get to listen to them urgglegurgle...and let me tell you it's wonderful. Today, Ms. Susan's class was singing "this is the way we say amen!" and then the kids would say "Amen!" It was ridiculously cute. The sound of their wee little voices brought qutie a smile to my face.
Another reason why I love working at church is that I get random hugs from little ones I don't really know. This morning, Emily and Noel saw me in my office as they were walking into their class. They immediately walked over to me and gave me a big bear hug =D. if their hugs had activated a sensor in the other children....all the other adorable munchkins ran over and gave me hugs too.... talk about crowd control... I felt loved... like I was some children's celebrity...rock'n for sure.
The moral of this story is....dont find a job because it pays well...especially if you'll be bored out of your mind. Find a job that you love and is chicken soup to your soul. Just thought I'd share some of the fun stuff that goes on around here. And since Michelle and Debbie are far away in the land of Thai I will not have their wonderful presence to accompany me at lunch... but just thinking about what they're doing in thailand will raise all spirits as I venture off to get food. Keep praying for the Thailand team!
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