Monday, July 12, 2004

Hook'em horns....

After camp I guess going to college became more of a reality; and part of the indifference I felt towards going has been replaced with enthusiasm. Afterall, it was all of the c/o '04s LAST camp as campers EVER! And I must say that it was a very mememorable Holy Spirit shaking kind of a time.

Yesterday the backseat riders, Jeff, Stephen, First captain Eric, and Navigator Ophelia headed up on an adventure to Austin. Currenly, I am using Ann's computer and bumming at her room until the orientee bbq; therefore our captain got us here all in one piece, not that i ever had any doubts. My UT experience thus far has been alright. All of the walking around actually excites me. I arrived for registration at around 8ish so I had a lot of time afterwards to bum and which case I got my ID, which makes me look like a creepy baby doll...then I picked up a newspaper and spent about and hour reading it. When I decided to go exploring around the campus, I ran into Ling, Joanna, and Alex; which was kewl cuz yay more people at orientation that I know of. We had some interesting bonding at lunch and afterwards I went to my wing meeting. Unfortunately I fell asleep during the welcoming assembly...which I found pretty surprising considering I cant fall asleep in class but I can fall asleep in an auditorium...very promising for the upcoming school year I might add. Anyhow, I dont feel like a college kid, but they tell me that's normal...therefore i conclude that the first half of day 1 of orientation has been a blast.

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