It's a party....
My frequent computer deaths have left me unable to update more regularly of the events that are currently occurring in my life. One word to describe my recent situation: graduate. Yes, graduation was this past Saturday and it's hard to believe that it's over. I can hardly remember sitting for two hours watching my classmates walk across the podium and waiting 650 odd people before my parents experienced the pride and joy of their first baby venturing across the podium. It will definitely take a while for me to forget the excitement and the squishing with 600 other classmates through the Bell street entrance door, as well as soaking up the heat to take pictures with family and friends. I’ll load those pictures up before I leave for HK.
Lunch time after graduation was pretty funny. My family and I ran into Jerms and his family, which wasn’t as shocking as seeing all the Clements principals and faculty at another table! It was quite nice to walk around at the galleria after lunch, but then my feet were completely destroyed afterwards. So after passing up many sales, the gang rounded up and headed back to the Toyota Center for the Dulles Graduation! A sea of red is always pretty cool. Once again, there was much picture taking and hugging. There’s something about seeing your friends graduate that really takes your mind off the heat that one has been submerged in.
When all the graduations had been said and done, it was time to go back to Clements one last time as a student. ProGrad! Prograd was a lot of fun. Besides that fact that the day after prograd, my neck was dying and I had this splitting headache. My favorite thing by far had to be the big tricycle things that we got to ride around the history hallways. Those made me feel like a kid again. Playing blackjack was interesting (it was the only gambling I did). There’s something about sitting at a table in a girls gym that just really doesn’t appeal to me, so I used my money for tickets instead. I must have really been lucky that night (although I can’t say I believe in luck). Not only did I walk away from the blackjack table with more than I began with, but I also managed to snag myself a grand prize. I must say it was quite a nice finish to the night because after the hypnosis show, I was seriously ready to pass out.
In the days following graduation, there was much partying at MashPash’s house. Not to mention I’m completely drained of all cash, but every cent was well spent (on food). I would go into detail about this past weekend where I experience the greatest milestone of my life thus far, but I’m leaving for the overseas in a few minutes and I figured I should have a graduation post before I leave, just in case I forget something (not that I ever will unless I get Alzheimer’s). Anyhow, take care and I shall update soon!.
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