Thursday, June 03, 2004

cloudy in the west looks like rain.....

So lately I've been feeling rather blessed..with everything in particular. Graduation is still quite surreal for me. Anyhoo...just a random thought of the moment. So yes, I'm in Hong Kong right now, sitting at a dining table in the middle of the afternoon updating my blog. So let me tell you a little about my flying overseas experience.

The night before I was suppose to wake up to fly to Hong Kong,I accidentally fell asleep without finish packing. Lucky for my biological clock, I was able to wake up at around 3am to finish packing. (most unfortunately, I forgot some very trivial items) My first connection flight was in San Francisco and I must say the airplane ride in coach was very uncomfortable but that was okay. So when we were waiting for our flight from San Fran to HK we found out that the flight was overbooked and they needed volunteers to go on a later flight. Althought the flight would arrive in HK 3 hours later than the original, you'd get upgraded to business class. So my family thought, what the hay..nothing to lose right? Obviously, many people volunteered cuz gosh... riding business class overseas, stopping in Japan, then connecting to HK. Lucky for my family, we made the 8 person cut for volunteers. I must say that I have never in my life slept so well on a plane. And the food was pretty darn good. There was a choice between filet mignon, chicken, and this japanese box thingy. When i asked for the Japanese box thing, they had just run out, so that was sad. But then this guy happened to find an extra box and offered to yippee. While the flight was great and the movies were cool, my family and i arrived and our luggage had been placed on the wrong flight for the following day. Thank goodness we packed our tooth brushes and whatnots in our backpack. However, no of us had clean clothes. So after more than 24hrs on a plane...we had to end up wearing our stinky clothes. Not only am I currently stuck with my dirty clothes, but better yet, I decided to dress scrubby and comfortable on the plane. This morning, we went to ride the bus to my relatives place...and I looked like I had just walked out of a hospital. Lemme tell ya...fleece pants are hot in extremely humid weather. Right now, I can't say I'm thinking straight because of the jetlag and humid weather and how gross I feel. On the other hand it's nice seeing relatives despite some odd comments. The best part about hk is that you dont really have to drive anywhere... you can ride the bus, subway, you pick..OH and it's kool to get to walk places. Walking rocks. I'm I making any sense? okay...i better go get some water...maybe I'm overheating with dehydration....

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