i dont know what the future brings...but i know that this much is true.......
Daniel Beddingfield =) yeah...a member of my "favorite songs" category. They always play that song on Casey Casem's America's top 20. perhaps now you know something you didnt about me.
Today, sfc's prayer meeting was quite different. Around 7:10 only Alex and Jeremy were there, so we sorta talked about the verse and prayed about it. Then Jessica and Lisamarie walk in, so i pray with them and we talked and stuff, then I got to read and meditate on the verse again when Jeff walked in. The unique experience came when i realized that after every group I prayed with, God revealed something new, refreshing, and true about His word. and to think.... in a span of 30+ minutes, God could say so much through a sentence. So now, i want to share it with you.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
On the outside it looks just like a "God gives me the strength" and "I do everything to glorify God" kinda verse. Initially, those were the thoughts that came to mind when i read that for my quiet time yesterday. Then the more i thought about it, the more applicable the verse became for my life. Sadly, I'm a sick little senior suffering the deep and scaring oppression of senioritis. It became so bad last week when i was sick. The irony of it all was that the previous week, I had made a commitment to God (which im still keeping btw) about being discplined in working hard this semester. The devil sure knows how to play his cards though. The struggle came the first day back... when I got sick....the work stopped. Reading that verse in colossians was like a big wack over the head. The way i saw it, God was telling me to persevere even when the going got a little rough because in my possession was the power of Jesus' name. Through prayer, I would be able to get up again. The verse also reminded me of the reason i get up early every morning. Right now, the duty that God's placed in my life is to be a student. The least i can do is to be obedient to my duty, and allow God to help me in the process. "I can do all things through God who gives me strength," because I am confident in his power. When i pursue the tasks he places in my life, He will pull me through them. He wont do them for me, but He will enable me to accomplish them.
God's word is truly powerful and living. Living because He speaks differently to different people according to what they're going through in their lives and how He can be revealed to each one of us. Word...God's word....God's word is powerful =)
have a great one!
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