Monday, January 19, 2004

how ya feeling.......

Chilled with some '04-ers mentioned in numerous other blogs, so go check those out. what an amusing day....thai cottage peanut sauce salad and crispy roll gets 5 stars. My thoughts on pool have become much less skewed after today in comparison to the first experience I had...twas a good and friendly game in which lau and I dominated! It was just what i needed to put a close to this niice weekend. So i just realized a moment ago, that all my hw isnt due until wednesday. Yay for senior assemblies. Although the once foreign senioritis has hit, I'll probably end up doing some hw before i sleep....

if we dont listen to God's voice, we'll stop hearing it. Not hearing God's voice is almost like allowing your relationship with Him to be cut off. To me, that's pretty scary. I remember someone saying once that if God is still doing miracles in your life, He hasnt given up on you yet. I also recall when someone thought, "oh shoot, God's not doing any miracles in my life, does that mean He's cut His connections with me?" maybe we dont see these miracles because our vision becomes clouded by everything else in life...but God is definitely doing miracles all the time. Perhaps not as apparent as ones in the Bible, but they're still all around. Each day is a new opportunity to open our eyes a little bigger, and expand our vision a little wider to see the miracles God is doing in our lives.

and it's back to school we go.

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