greeting from afar........
scary blog posting.. cant bold my heading...anyhow. i am extremely full presently. So after my eventful day of la madeline, movies: omen, changing lanes, and maid in manhattan, gno at my house, thai cottage, i headed for the airport. Then after quite a boring plane ride next to a rather large man who had to lift up the arm rest to fit in the seat (thus taking up part of my seat) and two cups of ginger ale and a cranberry oatmeal cookie, i was greeted by Alicey, Steeni, and Davis at the Tri-Cities airport. There after we chilled at alicey's place and then i had a bloody nose at Steeni's and after that i headed over to Christine's and conked out soon after.
The day after i believe i went out to lunch at Shari's with Christine, stuffed our face's silly, at this really goooood dessert thingymabob. Then came back and watched the Recruit, which i like thoroughly. That nite went to a bbq with some families and Alice, Steve, Steeni, and Deeni were there. Post that event, headed over to steeni's and watched one hour photo, quite strange.... and i guess im indecisive abt my likes and dislikes of that movie. i mean.. it was good.. but it was.. different. i think i like robin williams as the comedy guy.. not Sy the photo guy.
Then today, went out to eat at Red Lobster with Christine and her family, once again stuffed our faces silly and also ate a HUGE summer berry surprise dessert thingy...or something to that insane extent. Was so full we decided to take a walk at the mall, did some on sale shopping, much happiness. Came home and watched Bridget Jone's Diary, hahaha.. that girl cracks me up. I gotta agree with Christine, good movie.
Went to church after and ate a yummy meal at Applebee's afterwards, sat to say i havent been there since.... freshman year for Sadie Hawkins. And then... i once again enjoyed some dessert, sizzling apple pie... emmmm good stuff.
Yea.. definitely been doing some crazy eating outtage... imma be broke. But then you kno how it is when you're asian... asians like food. hehe.. and funny how after dinner in the parking lot the bunch of us were talking abt blaming everything on being asian..... and if you think about it.... that's definitely a reason for a lot that goes on in the asian community life.
anyhow.. im gonna catch some sleep... cuz i think... tho i've been here abt 2 days, i still suffer from a tad of jet lag, the 2 hrs time difference is sorta killing me. I sleep at like 12ish, which is 2ish back home, and then i wake at 8ish, which is 10ish back home. Man... my biological clock must be wacking. Just returned from Georgia...then Texas...and now Washington... aiyah.... well i'll be home on saturday.... until then
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