at the second chance still one seat away....... (1st paragraph is a movie synopsis)
For once i actually watched a decently good chinese film. Cuz most of the movies produced by hong kong these days.... arent very good. They're either about gangsters or they're just horrible bad comedies. Anyhow, i didnt get a chance to catch the name of the decent chinese film i watched. But it had Kelly Chan, Ekin Cheng, and Sui Chun Chan. Basically, the movie was like a typical HK action movie. The whole driving force of the movie was revenge. So this blonde asian america terrorist dude named Alien kills this guy named Squirrel's gf (that's his nickname). So the entire movie him and his best friends Blue and Tango try to find Alien and kill him. Well, Blue (kelly chan) is this awesome scientist who invented this fighting program called VR12. Basically you get hypnotized and u learn all these defense fighting moves and how to accurately target shoot. so in a nutshell it's sorta like the matrix programming thingy. Well, becuz of the knowledge that she has, Blue gets kidnapped. Blue and Tango (Ekin Chan) have a special relationship SO when she gets kidnapped Tango goes at all odds to rescue her. And since Blue is Squirrel's best bud also, both Tango and him decide to be test dummies for the VR12 program and rescue Blue. They successfully rescue Blue and discover that Alien is also the culprite behind the kidnap and that he kidnapped a buncha scientists cuz he wants to take over the world. So then Squirrel wants to avenge his fiancee's death. However, they discover that there is a failure in the VR12. Apparently some of the ppl trying out the program have experienced aggressive violent behavior. So then it turns out that Squirrel has this disorder issue and he accidentlly kills Blue. Tango is devastated and goes through this eraser program to forget everything. Then he's sent on a mission by the CIA to capture Squirrel...and it goes on.. i dun wanna type anymore.. so ask me if u wanna kno wut happens.
so went to tree of life today and helped with the toddler preschool kiddos. MAN they are SOOO CUTE! they are so pinchable! but dun worry... i refrained from such an action. I like.. walked into the room and they flocked me. I felt like i was being massacred by a buncha 3 yr olds.. it was scary...but SO CUTE! i got lotsa exercise in by chasing them and being chased... good times good times.
i realized that i've been guitaring a lot more lately. so much that i'm getting blisters on top of my callouses....i've been strumming making melodies and Love the Lord around the house and isabel will stop wut she's doing and bust out her making melodies moves! if u wanna see some making melodies action, check out my updated pics of vbs and isabel's bday. i jet for now... later
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