social work
"We exercise the skills and talents God has given us. We have the opportunity to put His commandments and His love into action in a setting where, for the most part, He is not recognized or known. We face new situations every day that challenge our Christian values, our self-control, our creativity, and our compassion; and out of the challenges we grow stronger and more mature "
I've had that quote on my blog for almost four years now. I don't remember where I read it or why I decided to put it up. All I know is that when I read it, I liked it.
About the same time that I put that quote on my blog I was deciding to major in social work for my college applications. At that time I had just realized what social work was and I knew that I wanted to help people.
"I want to help people" was the answer that I gave to people who were interested in knowing why I wanted to major in social work. A part of answering in that manner was because I didn't truly know the reason why I wanted to be a social worker.
Throughout the process of going through the motions of college, the real reason for partnering in social work slowly emerged. Going on missions trips to Mexico and Atlanta were the sparks that led to my major decision. In retrospect there was a sense of disatisfaction with coming home after a mission trip where I actively served God each day by serving others, to life as a comfy kid in the suburbs that would live incarnationally if the opportunity arose.
As I consider my future in child welfare and child protection in the year to come, the quote above sums up really nicely all my reasons for doing it. I believe that God has given me certain skills and talents that kind of fit social work. The opportunity has come for me to put those skills and talents in a setting where God is definitely not recognized or known. Since I've been interning in a social work setting, my Christian values, my self control, my creativity, and my compassion have been challenged and tested everyday. And I sure hope that being able to live that experience everyday will grow me into a stronger and more mature follower of Christ.
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