time to do my blog some justice....and what better way to do that than to share about my dearest mother.
if opposites attract that would be my mom and dad. dont get me wrong there are many things they have in common...but if it weren't for my mom, I think a lot of stuff that my dad likes now, he wouldn't enjoy so much if it weren't for my mom.
my mom and I don't always meet eye to eye but she's definitely right beside my dad as my most favorite people in the world. why you might ask...

a few things about my mom that I really love about her...and sometimes dislike at the same time.
she is....
honest: I'm not sure if this is the right word. Maybe blunt cuts it better. If you want a mouth that doesn't know sugar coated words....that's my mom. I think my mom's honesty has shaped a lot of my personality. I can always count on my mom to give me an honest opinion about anything I ask her. She's a great distinguisher of nonsense and meaningful things. When I was younger I use to think it was a really annoying quality about my mom but the older I get, the more I realize that it's a sign of her wisdom and I'm growing to appreciate this aspect of her.
passionate: My mom knows what she likes. Next to her family is her love for tennis. She's probably twice as good as most men her age and she's completely dedicated to playing the sport. I had to remind her that her shoulder was injured to keep her from playing tennis....but it was probably the fear of never being able to play again that kept her from the sport. I really admire this about her. It's life-enriching to have something to be passionate about whether it's a sport, a food or your faith. She's a good example of what it means to truly pursue something.
balanced: I think this is something that's easily lacking in our lives. Not so with my mom. She values working hard as much as she does resting. I'm not sure if it's possible but sometimes I feel like my mom sleeps as much as she works. She's by far the most hard working person I know of. Whatever she does, she does to the best of her ability that she knows how to. When she comes home she doesnt like to talk about work. Her favorite past times are reading, watching tv and amusing the family. My mom shows me that it's possible to lead a very balanced life and it's often necessary.
cheers to the best mom in the world.

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