cast away.......
Lately, I've been trying to think of some good reasons to keep this weblog. Throughout the years I've tried to decide what the purpose of having one is and if that purpose is really a legitimate cause to keep the blog. I feel that in some cases, having a weblog does interfere with social interactions. People usually blog about things that they want to say and then when you talk to people in person you're just repeating yourself. Although, I can see how repetitiveness is also a problem with humanoid interactions.....since there's always the possibility of sharing the same stories or insights several times. But isn't that the beauty of social interactions? That you actually get to interact with people...despite the fact that you share the same story, same joke, same stuff several times people can respond to that...and maybe even say something meaningful?
Aim just doesnt cut it. Did you know that all this new computer jazz is deteriorating our attention spans? Even though you feel like you're getting to know people better, not only do you take away from the people interaction aspect of it, but your attention span becomes shorter so eventually even IF you wanted to interact with people, you wouldnt be able to because after hearing 20 seconds of what they have to zone out and start counting the sheep in the simple cant listen long enough to carry a good conversation. haha..maybe im exaggerating...but you get the point.
So...without all this technology of computers and cell phones....friendships would be harder to sustain huh? I mean without cell phones...i think everyone would need an answering machine and you'd have to make appointments with friends to hang out and eat instead of simply going down the buddy list or phone contacts to IM or call everyone available to get together spur of the moment. How did we manage to have friends in middle school? How did our parents ever make friends? Would I have gotten to know you otherwise?
As a result of these innovations in technology....has friendship and social interactions become a convenience? Is that bad? If I never blogged, never chatted on aim, never used email, never had possession of a cell phone.....would I have any friends? Do our un-tech savvy grandparents have friends?
What is the missing link to all of this? Is there a balance between appreciating the convenience of technology and what it takes away from the quality of interaction with people?
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