Monday, August 02, 2004

wouldn't it be nice if......

yes..I am listening to Beach Boys... great cd. So I was looking for my beach boys cd a while back and I found all the other cds I'd lost. I found my Passion: Road to One Day cd...and I found the long lost Sonicflood cd I got my dad for his birthday. But then the most exciting thing I found was this tape that I have of Nicholas Tse's Jade Butterfly album. I lost it at the end of sophomore year and I just found it! Funny the things that make me leap. Believe me I am utterly excited =D

Today we had some of the younger youth share their Orange testimonies at children's worship. It was unbelievable some of the things these young people shared. Let me tell ya it was mind blowing how God impacted their lives. I felt like I was listening to trained preachers speak. Not only did these guys and girls see fruit sprout in Orange, but I can see fruit blooming in their hearts. I believe that the fututre of the youth will be awesome. You know how every year the graduates leave wondering how the future youth will be. I do wonder what will happen, but I also expect God's greatness being a continual part of FBCC's youth ministry. If there's one thing that God's taught me this summer, it would be living expectantly. I've probably said that a million times in this past month, but it excites me to share about what God's teaching me. It's so cool to think that when you're still growing and learning things that the Lord has not given up on you; one of those simple children's concepts: God is always with me. Funny how I teach kids so many simple but applicable things, yet often fail to realize what I teach I need to be reminded of myself.

I was just reading over old entries and I realize that my style of writing has changed...weird. Anyhow, I thought I'd re-post my "goals before I graduate" and reflect on all that has been accomplished (commentary has been added for clarity, phrases in italics have not yet been fulfilled).

1) go to the cheesecake factory: we went there for Debs bday and the Tiramisu cheesecake was fantabulous
2) go to a Newsboys concert
3) go to Reliant K concert with jhgpy
4) purchase the Armageddon soundtrack: thanx for the belated bday gift
5) give blood: might possibly do that in the very near future.
6) finish reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
7) finish reading Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
8)watch the sun rise: saw one at the airport before I left for HK
9) get a new laptop: yesterday!
10) curl isabel's hair: I actually sort of did this one...but I still have unfinished business with my sis b4 I go off
11) cook for my parents: italian sausage with broccoli and several other things.
12) gain a new level of humility: working with children has definitely contributed to it.
13) receive a college acceptance letter: can somebody say hook'em horns?

what do you want to accomplish before the summer is over?

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