Wednesday, May 19, 2004

cracked the sky like broken glass.....

currently, I am sitting at my desk wearing my dorky NHS collar for fun. Yes, I know...Debs has already established that I am a freak. Freak and proud. Isn't it just the darnest thing to think that the days until graduation are countable on two hands. I'm not sure how I feel about graduation, so ask me about it when it's over. Maybe then I can tell you how I feel. I guess getting out of the disorganized school system is most likely a positive thing. First of all, does anyone really understand what's going on at graduation? I'm not worried, it should be fun. At least we can be sure it wont be like the awards ceremony. I'm thinking people will actually show up to graduation. *hopefully* The principals should have informed people a bit better about whether they were gonna receive an award or not. Apparently, I got this national association of teachers of spanish and portuguese service award, and I wasn't there to get it. However, I was utterly shocked when Torano didn't get mad at me for not showing up. In fact, he told this one person who told another person who told that person's boyfriend who's girlfriend has a class with me to tell me to go find Torano because he had something important to talk to me about. At first, I thought I'd get in trouble about having 10 minutes too little of service hours, but then he told me about the award and that was pretty cool. So I guess three years of dedication to SNHS has finally paid off. You know, after not having Torano for 2 years, I've actually grown quite fond of him. He's an amusing guy, although not the nicest, but he's an alright guy. For what reason? I have yet to determine. However, the service award dealio is pretty. It's got red writing on kewl. I'm telling you...every milestone in life is about some piece of paper...birth, graduation, marriage, and even death.

Oiy...tonight was our last CBS. The group began as just me and Deb. After second semester we expanded by a wopping 50% with the addition of MashPash into our group. Then towards the end of the year our group increased by 33% with the addition of Ann. I've enjoyed my CBS group very much. They're all a bunch of kewl cats, and while we tend to stray off task many a time, I still love them to bits and pieces. I'm so thankful for Margarete. She's simply awesome for putting up with all of our weirdo-ness and always trying to examine the Word with us. I'm gonna miss having her as my CBS leader next year. Good times...good times...

what's with my long entries lately anyhow? I guess I had so much pent up during that period of time I didn't update that often that I'm sort of dumping words out by the bucket now. hehe... ok i'll leave you with that.

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