Friday, May 28, 2004
Thursday, May 27, 2004
the thank you I owe you....
These past few days have been wonderfully hectic. Despite the fact that much money has been spent, more importantly much quality time has been spent with some very wonderful people. A lot has been blessed upon me these past few weeks, and I feel quite undeserving of it. But it's so important to remember that each day God showers us with blessings that we fail to notice, and everyday God deserves our deepest praise through rain or shine.
On Monday I was beginning to accept the fact that I would be graduating Saturday. Tuesday came and I just thought about how great it was that cal was so incredibly easy. When Wednesday rolled around, I peeked into my wallet only to find that i would be broke if we kept eating out the way we have been. Then today, I didn't focus so much on the fact that my cash supply was draining, but the painful truth that it was my official last day (hour) of high school. When I walked into the parking lot I couldn't believe (and still can't believe) that I will never step foot in that building as a student ever again. Venturing into the future is definitely a huge leap of faith I feel uncertain about. No doubt, I'm really excited, but at the same time, it feels like there's so much I want to hold on to, yet I'm ready to let it's a weird feeling I'm sure someone out there has felt, is feeling, will feel. Once again, I dont know what the future holds, but I DO know Who holds the future. PTL!
When I think about this past week, all I see is food. I see a LOT of food. Monday, La Madeline’s; Tuesday, Chili’s; Wednesday, Wendy’s; Thursday, Chili’s again, then picnic potluck. There are many random memories I wanna remember from this week. It will take me a while to forget about all the food consumed. Then SO many crazy pictures were taken; as well as all sorts of weird comments. When Debs and I were at the Galleria, we ran into Sharon and Sophia. So we decided that we would have dinner together. First stop for dinner food was at Dylan’s Candy Bar. Sophia got us some candy there. Then we went to a Starbucks stand, where Sharon and Sophia ordered a Strawberry *insert the word* frapp. When we finally settled on where we’d be having our official meal, we wandered to Cheesecake factory for our meal… consisting of cheesecake. As we ate, Debs and I shared with them that we had visited the waterwall…which is beautiful by the way… and then after eating cheesecake we felt quite like a waterwall with no free bread. I still feel quite convicted that if I’d consumed a bit more sugar before entering C-factory I would have asked “so…where’s our free bread” although we only ate cheesecake. Haha.. good times good times. And how can I forget all those crazy games we played at Fred’s house this week. Ghost 2…Sardines…to name a few. Then the large gathering at my place and that little “IS THIS A FINGER” dealio. I also really enjoyed getting together with some old sophomore buddies. We had our last day of school Chili’s reunion and then we went to Jenny Lin’s house to watch A Fighter’s Blues. In summary, this week has been splendid, and it totally tops the charts for favorite times senior year. Thanks be to all my friends who are hilarious, gay, and simply awesome. You have truly completed my senior year, and just when I thought the year couldn’t get any better, Class of ’04 is graduating on Saturday. *gasp* Be there or be square. Toyota Center 10am.
I will be posting prom pics very well as all the pics that i've taken these past few days. Have a great one!
These past few days have been wonderfully hectic. Despite the fact that much money has been spent, more importantly much quality time has been spent with some very wonderful people. A lot has been blessed upon me these past few weeks, and I feel quite undeserving of it. But it's so important to remember that each day God showers us with blessings that we fail to notice, and everyday God deserves our deepest praise through rain or shine.
On Monday I was beginning to accept the fact that I would be graduating Saturday. Tuesday came and I just thought about how great it was that cal was so incredibly easy. When Wednesday rolled around, I peeked into my wallet only to find that i would be broke if we kept eating out the way we have been. Then today, I didn't focus so much on the fact that my cash supply was draining, but the painful truth that it was my official last day (hour) of high school. When I walked into the parking lot I couldn't believe (and still can't believe) that I will never step foot in that building as a student ever again. Venturing into the future is definitely a huge leap of faith I feel uncertain about. No doubt, I'm really excited, but at the same time, it feels like there's so much I want to hold on to, yet I'm ready to let it's a weird feeling I'm sure someone out there has felt, is feeling, will feel. Once again, I dont know what the future holds, but I DO know Who holds the future. PTL!
When I think about this past week, all I see is food. I see a LOT of food. Monday, La Madeline’s; Tuesday, Chili’s; Wednesday, Wendy’s; Thursday, Chili’s again, then picnic potluck. There are many random memories I wanna remember from this week. It will take me a while to forget about all the food consumed. Then SO many crazy pictures were taken; as well as all sorts of weird comments. When Debs and I were at the Galleria, we ran into Sharon and Sophia. So we decided that we would have dinner together. First stop for dinner food was at Dylan’s Candy Bar. Sophia got us some candy there. Then we went to a Starbucks stand, where Sharon and Sophia ordered a Strawberry *insert the word* frapp. When we finally settled on where we’d be having our official meal, we wandered to Cheesecake factory for our meal… consisting of cheesecake. As we ate, Debs and I shared with them that we had visited the waterwall…which is beautiful by the way… and then after eating cheesecake we felt quite like a waterwall with no free bread. I still feel quite convicted that if I’d consumed a bit more sugar before entering C-factory I would have asked “so…where’s our free bread” although we only ate cheesecake. Haha.. good times good times. And how can I forget all those crazy games we played at Fred’s house this week. Ghost 2…Sardines…to name a few. Then the large gathering at my place and that little “IS THIS A FINGER” dealio. I also really enjoyed getting together with some old sophomore buddies. We had our last day of school Chili’s reunion and then we went to Jenny Lin’s house to watch A Fighter’s Blues. In summary, this week has been splendid, and it totally tops the charts for favorite times senior year. Thanks be to all my friends who are hilarious, gay, and simply awesome. You have truly completed my senior year, and just when I thought the year couldn’t get any better, Class of ’04 is graduating on Saturday. *gasp* Be there or be square. Toyota Center 10am.
I will be posting prom pics very well as all the pics that i've taken these past few days. Have a great one!
Sunday, May 23, 2004
and the reason is You....
I woke up at 12 this morning and it felt great. I like the smell of the morning and the comfort of my blanket when my room is nice and cool. I realized that over the years I’ve come to appreciate the simple joys in life—like nature. I drove around a lot today and I got to see the green trees, fluffy clouds, and a pink and purple sunset. Everything around me was so beautiful and it almost felt as if I’d been swept off my feet. I remember sitting on a bench yesterday at Oyster creek and praising God for how wonderful He is for giving us all these magnificent things to look at. I was walking through a parking lot the other day and feeling sad that if I went blind one day, I would be devastated. Then I thought about people who had never had sight their entire lives and how everyday for them would be just as beautiful. It’s funny how when I was younger, crushing boys gave me butterflies; and now watching a cow chew grass has the same effect on me. One reason I don’t like to drive is not being able to gaze at God’s glorious creation. I guess I could, but then the world would not be very safe for those people who happen to drive by me the instant I’ve been mesmerized by a cow. If you haven’t gotten me a graduation gift yet, just give me a ride in your car down Oilfield on a sunny, blue-skied day, so that I can enjoy the peaceful African safari-like landscape and grass- grinding mouths of cows. God’s a crazy creative being.
So my blog just got entirely deleted and I had to re-write what I had just written. Unfortunately, my memory has become terribly bad over the course of the year and I was unable to remember a large jist of it. So I wrote what my brain could compile. Never using spell check on blogger again. And apparently, my computer is dying… for real. Thank goodness leaving for college gives my dad an excuse to get me a new computer. So tonight I had potluck dinner with my parent’s fellowship, and I got to see Emily and Stella. They basically gave me college survival 101. It was nice talking to them and shopping with them. Dang…that’ll be some of us next year.
So I went all over town today trying to find these very trivial items. I felt very lucky because I was able to find enough of them that were cool enough to purchase. My day is complete, and I think I’m tired enough to close for the night.
I woke up at 12 this morning and it felt great. I like the smell of the morning and the comfort of my blanket when my room is nice and cool. I realized that over the years I’ve come to appreciate the simple joys in life—like nature. I drove around a lot today and I got to see the green trees, fluffy clouds, and a pink and purple sunset. Everything around me was so beautiful and it almost felt as if I’d been swept off my feet. I remember sitting on a bench yesterday at Oyster creek and praising God for how wonderful He is for giving us all these magnificent things to look at. I was walking through a parking lot the other day and feeling sad that if I went blind one day, I would be devastated. Then I thought about people who had never had sight their entire lives and how everyday for them would be just as beautiful. It’s funny how when I was younger, crushing boys gave me butterflies; and now watching a cow chew grass has the same effect on me. One reason I don’t like to drive is not being able to gaze at God’s glorious creation. I guess I could, but then the world would not be very safe for those people who happen to drive by me the instant I’ve been mesmerized by a cow. If you haven’t gotten me a graduation gift yet, just give me a ride in your car down Oilfield on a sunny, blue-skied day, so that I can enjoy the peaceful African safari-like landscape and grass- grinding mouths of cows. God’s a crazy creative being.
So my blog just got entirely deleted and I had to re-write what I had just written. Unfortunately, my memory has become terribly bad over the course of the year and I was unable to remember a large jist of it. So I wrote what my brain could compile. Never using spell check on blogger again. And apparently, my computer is dying… for real. Thank goodness leaving for college gives my dad an excuse to get me a new computer. So tonight I had potluck dinner with my parent’s fellowship, and I got to see Emily and Stella. They basically gave me college survival 101. It was nice talking to them and shopping with them. Dang…that’ll be some of us next year.
So I went all over town today trying to find these very trivial items. I felt very lucky because I was able to find enough of them that were cool enough to purchase. My day is complete, and I think I’m tired enough to close for the night.
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
cracked the sky like broken glass.....
currently, I am sitting at my desk wearing my dorky NHS collar for fun. Yes, I know...Debs has already established that I am a freak. Freak and proud. Isn't it just the darnest thing to think that the days until graduation are countable on two hands. I'm not sure how I feel about graduation, so ask me about it when it's over. Maybe then I can tell you how I feel. I guess getting out of the disorganized school system is most likely a positive thing. First of all, does anyone really understand what's going on at graduation? I'm not worried, it should be fun. At least we can be sure it wont be like the awards ceremony. I'm thinking people will actually show up to graduation. *hopefully* The principals should have informed people a bit better about whether they were gonna receive an award or not. Apparently, I got this national association of teachers of spanish and portuguese service award, and I wasn't there to get it. However, I was utterly shocked when Torano didn't get mad at me for not showing up. In fact, he told this one person who told another person who told that person's boyfriend who's girlfriend has a class with me to tell me to go find Torano because he had something important to talk to me about. At first, I thought I'd get in trouble about having 10 minutes too little of service hours, but then he told me about the award and that was pretty cool. So I guess three years of dedication to SNHS has finally paid off. You know, after not having Torano for 2 years, I've actually grown quite fond of him. He's an amusing guy, although not the nicest, but he's an alright guy. For what reason? I have yet to determine. However, the service award dealio is pretty. It's got red writing on kewl. I'm telling you...every milestone in life is about some piece of paper...birth, graduation, marriage, and even death.
Oiy...tonight was our last CBS. The group began as just me and Deb. After second semester we expanded by a wopping 50% with the addition of MashPash into our group. Then towards the end of the year our group increased by 33% with the addition of Ann. I've enjoyed my CBS group very much. They're all a bunch of kewl cats, and while we tend to stray off task many a time, I still love them to bits and pieces. I'm so thankful for Margarete. She's simply awesome for putting up with all of our weirdo-ness and always trying to examine the Word with us. I'm gonna miss having her as my CBS leader next year. Good times...good times...
what's with my long entries lately anyhow? I guess I had so much pent up during that period of time I didn't update that often that I'm sort of dumping words out by the bucket now. hehe... ok i'll leave you with that.
currently, I am sitting at my desk wearing my dorky NHS collar for fun. Yes, I know...Debs has already established that I am a freak. Freak and proud. Isn't it just the darnest thing to think that the days until graduation are countable on two hands. I'm not sure how I feel about graduation, so ask me about it when it's over. Maybe then I can tell you how I feel. I guess getting out of the disorganized school system is most likely a positive thing. First of all, does anyone really understand what's going on at graduation? I'm not worried, it should be fun. At least we can be sure it wont be like the awards ceremony. I'm thinking people will actually show up to graduation. *hopefully* The principals should have informed people a bit better about whether they were gonna receive an award or not. Apparently, I got this national association of teachers of spanish and portuguese service award, and I wasn't there to get it. However, I was utterly shocked when Torano didn't get mad at me for not showing up. In fact, he told this one person who told another person who told that person's boyfriend who's girlfriend has a class with me to tell me to go find Torano because he had something important to talk to me about. At first, I thought I'd get in trouble about having 10 minutes too little of service hours, but then he told me about the award and that was pretty cool. So I guess three years of dedication to SNHS has finally paid off. You know, after not having Torano for 2 years, I've actually grown quite fond of him. He's an amusing guy, although not the nicest, but he's an alright guy. For what reason? I have yet to determine. However, the service award dealio is pretty. It's got red writing on kewl. I'm telling you...every milestone in life is about some piece of paper...birth, graduation, marriage, and even death.
Oiy...tonight was our last CBS. The group began as just me and Deb. After second semester we expanded by a wopping 50% with the addition of MashPash into our group. Then towards the end of the year our group increased by 33% with the addition of Ann. I've enjoyed my CBS group very much. They're all a bunch of kewl cats, and while we tend to stray off task many a time, I still love them to bits and pieces. I'm so thankful for Margarete. She's simply awesome for putting up with all of our weirdo-ness and always trying to examine the Word with us. I'm gonna miss having her as my CBS leader next year. Good times...good times...
what's with my long entries lately anyhow? I guess I had so much pent up during that period of time I didn't update that often that I'm sort of dumping words out by the bucket now. hehe... ok i'll leave you with that.
Monday, May 17, 2004
There's a million people out there, but it all comes down to one....
It's been a while since I've updated, but after being a blogger-er for quite some time, I can honestly say I am still not obsessive about posting...and there are no feelings of inadequacy if I do not update daily.
I was driving to B&N today to return an AP book which I didn't touch. Today was the 31st day that I had purchased the book, and they only accept returns until the 30th, so I was quite disappointed that my memory had once again failed I would not be refunded my $18.50. However, I am glad to say that the guy was nice, and he gave me money back, no questions asked. I must say that one of the worst habits I've subconciously rededicated my life to is procrastination. By delaying things, I end up tiring myself out by worring about the dumbest things. In the past, I've never had to worry or stress out about school, medical forms, or book returns. I've also realized that I'm not as punctual as I use to be. I'm almost always late to appointments and that's just horrible. Those are two things I've immediately taken action to improve. In fact, I've already begun to see positive I'm happy.
Flipping through some tv channels tonight, I came across that show The Swan. It's really sad how inadequate and discontent those women feel. So many of them suffer from childhood ridicule about the way they look. Too many of them don't want to show their faces in public because one too many bully high school boys told them their nose was too big, or simply that they just weren't pretty. I find it terribly sad that there are women out there that can be so unhappy with their God given looks that they're willing to suffer three months of intense pain resulting from plastic surgery just to gain the approval of society and attain a sense of self-worth. It's a devastating lie when people say "sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me." The truth is, broken bones will heal, but internal scars take a while...maybe as long as a lifetime. Bottom line, be wise and discerning about what you say...because more likely than not, people take it personally.
I've also noticed how some people tend to become more expressive through blogs. There's this inclination for people to share so much about how they feel, what they're going through, what they want...etc...etc...through writing. I agree that it's easier to express myself through writing, but I dont think that a blog is a good place for people to "get to know you better" if that's the excuse for blogging. You miss SO much of a person by just reading what they're writing versus hearing their voice or seeing them in person. I just feel that when you want people to get to know you, or you want to get to know someone better, it's always worth it to invest the time.
I could rant on forever....but I wont =P i guess this was just one of my sudden outbursts of bloggage. Well, I hope you have a wonderful week...and hopefully school will not get you down. The end is nearing!
It's been a while since I've updated, but after being a blogger-er for quite some time, I can honestly say I am still not obsessive about posting...and there are no feelings of inadequacy if I do not update daily.
I was driving to B&N today to return an AP book which I didn't touch. Today was the 31st day that I had purchased the book, and they only accept returns until the 30th, so I was quite disappointed that my memory had once again failed I would not be refunded my $18.50. However, I am glad to say that the guy was nice, and he gave me money back, no questions asked. I must say that one of the worst habits I've subconciously rededicated my life to is procrastination. By delaying things, I end up tiring myself out by worring about the dumbest things. In the past, I've never had to worry or stress out about school, medical forms, or book returns. I've also realized that I'm not as punctual as I use to be. I'm almost always late to appointments and that's just horrible. Those are two things I've immediately taken action to improve. In fact, I've already begun to see positive I'm happy.
Flipping through some tv channels tonight, I came across that show The Swan. It's really sad how inadequate and discontent those women feel. So many of them suffer from childhood ridicule about the way they look. Too many of them don't want to show their faces in public because one too many bully high school boys told them their nose was too big, or simply that they just weren't pretty. I find it terribly sad that there are women out there that can be so unhappy with their God given looks that they're willing to suffer three months of intense pain resulting from plastic surgery just to gain the approval of society and attain a sense of self-worth. It's a devastating lie when people say "sticks and stone may break my bones but words will never hurt me." The truth is, broken bones will heal, but internal scars take a while...maybe as long as a lifetime. Bottom line, be wise and discerning about what you say...because more likely than not, people take it personally.
I've also noticed how some people tend to become more expressive through blogs. There's this inclination for people to share so much about how they feel, what they're going through, what they want...etc...etc...through writing. I agree that it's easier to express myself through writing, but I dont think that a blog is a good place for people to "get to know you better" if that's the excuse for blogging. You miss SO much of a person by just reading what they're writing versus hearing their voice or seeing them in person. I just feel that when you want people to get to know you, or you want to get to know someone better, it's always worth it to invest the time.
I could rant on forever....but I wont =P i guess this was just one of my sudden outbursts of bloggage. Well, I hope you have a wonderful week...and hopefully school will not get you down. The end is nearing!
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Romance and Roses..... year is finished. sorta.
Prom was the party. Although it really didnt sound like one. The music was a little nersplatishy but that didnt prevent any roof raising from happening cuz there was a quibishsquish of that too. And someone was sure smiling down on us when we looked up and saw the clear skies.
So in memory of prom, I shall proceed to tell the events of that day. (bear with me I'm feeling a long long entry coming on...) I got up saturday during the wee 8 o'clock hours of the morning and began cleaning my room. I spent about 2 hours looking for my constantly risking absurdity timed writing, turning my entire house upside down, but I was unable to find it. Sometime between 10/10:30 Fred stopped by my house for money to pick up the corsages and boutonnieres. Later, Jerms called to tell of some trivial mishaps that were later resolved and the day continued. I had every intention of studying for chem when suddenly my doorbell rang and the girls began to show up. That was when the party really got started. There was some hair do-ing, face make-uping and last minute stuff purchasing. Due to some miscommunication...the gentlemen began showing up at my place at around 5:30. I remember hearing Viv's mom yell "the boys are here" and at that moment i realized I was still in jeans and shirt. After several tens of minutes of mad dashing, all was well and then it was time for the infamous, lets-walk-down-the-stairs performance. Upstairs...the ladies were an absolute breath-taking know that feeling you get when the sunset it pink and purple, and all these other pretty colors...and it just blows your socks off? Well, watching the girls go down the stairs was sorta like that cuz they were so ridiculously good looking. Below the stairs awaiting us was a long string of handsome young men looking as if they'd walked out of an issue of GQ magazine to take us to prom. After the initial shock of realizing it was the senior guys under that shell they call tux, we proceeded to exhange flowers. Once that task had been tackled, the mom's decided it was time to get super camera happy...and the plans of being on schedule were shot. So when the hours of picture taking had passed...we loitered. When we had enough of loitering....we took some more pictures at Sophia's house...followed by an entourage of camera happy parents. And when our jaws were all smiled out...and the clock was ticking and the time of our reservations was nearing...the gang loaded up in their respective cars and cruised on down to La Strada.
La Strada had some nice bathrooms. Sofas, soft seat cushions...the works! Personally, I thought the food looked really pretty...and I thought my dish tasted better than it looked and sounded. Jalepeno Fettuccine doesnt sound that appealing but it was pretty darn tasty. When we were stuffed to the max, it was time to head over to the Adam's Marks....but not before we took some pictures with a lamppost and bench.
Finally arriving at the hotel, we ran into a huge crowd of ridiculously gorgeous looking people. Once again I felt like I was looking into a pink and purple after taking pictures with almost all of the beautiful people at the entrance....we all advanced through a weird canopy thing into the main hall. It was REALLy cold....but the dance floor was stuffy and crowded. We danced a little... we pranced a little and we even drank some water. After the dance, the party was not yet over and we went to get some pie at the House of Pies. Dutch apple pie ala mode tastes like what a pink and purple sunset set would if you could eat it. Before we had to pay the $2.50 sitting fee the gang rounded up and went over to Sophia's house for some pooling, smashing, guitaring, singing, and sequencing.
And when I was all danced out, all smiled out, all eaten out, all laughed out, and all tired out....I was left with a black and purple dress, a dying "peach" corsage, a pair of pencil thin heeled shoes, and a GQ Bruce to thank for a pink and purple sunset memory of my senior prom. year is finished. sorta.
Prom was the party. Although it really didnt sound like one. The music was a little nersplatishy but that didnt prevent any roof raising from happening cuz there was a quibishsquish of that too. And someone was sure smiling down on us when we looked up and saw the clear skies.
So in memory of prom, I shall proceed to tell the events of that day. (bear with me I'm feeling a long long entry coming on...) I got up saturday during the wee 8 o'clock hours of the morning and began cleaning my room. I spent about 2 hours looking for my constantly risking absurdity timed writing, turning my entire house upside down, but I was unable to find it. Sometime between 10/10:30 Fred stopped by my house for money to pick up the corsages and boutonnieres. Later, Jerms called to tell of some trivial mishaps that were later resolved and the day continued. I had every intention of studying for chem when suddenly my doorbell rang and the girls began to show up. That was when the party really got started. There was some hair do-ing, face make-uping and last minute stuff purchasing. Due to some miscommunication...the gentlemen began showing up at my place at around 5:30. I remember hearing Viv's mom yell "the boys are here" and at that moment i realized I was still in jeans and shirt. After several tens of minutes of mad dashing, all was well and then it was time for the infamous, lets-walk-down-the-stairs performance. Upstairs...the ladies were an absolute breath-taking know that feeling you get when the sunset it pink and purple, and all these other pretty colors...and it just blows your socks off? Well, watching the girls go down the stairs was sorta like that cuz they were so ridiculously good looking. Below the stairs awaiting us was a long string of handsome young men looking as if they'd walked out of an issue of GQ magazine to take us to prom. After the initial shock of realizing it was the senior guys under that shell they call tux, we proceeded to exhange flowers. Once that task had been tackled, the mom's decided it was time to get super camera happy...and the plans of being on schedule were shot. So when the hours of picture taking had passed...we loitered. When we had enough of loitering....we took some more pictures at Sophia's house...followed by an entourage of camera happy parents. And when our jaws were all smiled out...and the clock was ticking and the time of our reservations was nearing...the gang loaded up in their respective cars and cruised on down to La Strada.
La Strada had some nice bathrooms. Sofas, soft seat cushions...the works! Personally, I thought the food looked really pretty...and I thought my dish tasted better than it looked and sounded. Jalepeno Fettuccine doesnt sound that appealing but it was pretty darn tasty. When we were stuffed to the max, it was time to head over to the Adam's Marks....but not before we took some pictures with a lamppost and bench.
Finally arriving at the hotel, we ran into a huge crowd of ridiculously gorgeous looking people. Once again I felt like I was looking into a pink and purple after taking pictures with almost all of the beautiful people at the entrance....we all advanced through a weird canopy thing into the main hall. It was REALLy cold....but the dance floor was stuffy and crowded. We danced a little... we pranced a little and we even drank some water. After the dance, the party was not yet over and we went to get some pie at the House of Pies. Dutch apple pie ala mode tastes like what a pink and purple sunset set would if you could eat it. Before we had to pay the $2.50 sitting fee the gang rounded up and went over to Sophia's house for some pooling, smashing, guitaring, singing, and sequencing.
And when I was all danced out, all smiled out, all eaten out, all laughed out, and all tired out....I was left with a black and purple dress, a dying "peach" corsage, a pair of pencil thin heeled shoes, and a GQ Bruce to thank for a pink and purple sunset memory of my senior prom.
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Thursday, May 06, 2004
I'll be there for you....when the rain starts to fall.....
You know, it's a funny thing. The whole good grades and fluff has never really bothered me until about 5 seconds ago when I realized I could have changed the course of my history. My dad and I vented to the chair for a little while, but now the steam has dispersed. I admit, I've been guilty of being study anal several times in my existence, but when I enter a test, I figure I've studied enough and it's too late to do anything at that point anyhow. Well, for a moment today, I thought, "dog bummit.. I could have done something." But it was all just one of those fruitless epiphanies that I'll never be able to change. Everything happens for a reason, so there's really no use crying about the past. But it's sad to think what a big poop it all was. baahh... It's like getting an 89. Ever get one too many of those and feel just a tad on the *raises fist in air* side? It's that *cringe* so close feeling. It's like tantalizing a baby with ice cream on a spoon and never feeding it to his mouth! Eventually, that feeling sort of dies and you're left with a whole bunch of what ifs. What if I had done this differently? What if I had gotten to eat that ice cream off the spoon.....?
So enough of this nonsense. Friends ended well, but slightly disappointing. For obvious reasons, this wonderful ten year situational comedy has come to an abrupt close. Well, where there is an end, there is a beginning. I guess nothing beats ending such an awesome show than the year 2004. The forever finale of Friends is only the beginning to the cycle of stuff that is to come this year. In a few weeks, class of '04 will walk across that podium and go down in Clements history. Then there will be a spectacular summer Olympic games and THEN the soon-to-be class of '08 will come stampeding into college campuses. So many WHOAs this year. It's just like trying to recover from the migrane you have after AP exams. Definitely takes some time.
Speaking of APs...I am SO thankful that I am done with them....for this week. One more to go...Chem...but I suppose it's a battle that shall be tackled with feriocity. Might as well win this years APs with a mighty victory right? I think taking AP exams is such an emotional experience. There are so many thoughts and feelings poured into every question, every free response; and afterwards you're left with this all-thought-out feeling of relief that you can finally put your pencil down and breathe...even if it's only for a brief second. I always walk out of the boys gym after the AP exams with a sense of accomplishment. There's a level of pride that go into the words "I am a mighty survior of the _________ exam." Before every exam, I always say a quick prayer, and let me be the first to tell you that that is the greatest weapon against giving up when this one prose piece in the wackitywackwack free response section of the english literature exam throws you off course. When my hand was vigorously shaking, and sweat beads were dripping from my brow after the Lit exam, I praised the Lord for the strength to conquer that beast. For the first time in my life I was overwhelmed by english, and I was worried walking in this morning. But all fears subsided and as you can see, I have survived to tell the story. Prayer will never fail you, only your human strength will.
You know, it's a funny thing. The whole good grades and fluff has never really bothered me until about 5 seconds ago when I realized I could have changed the course of my history. My dad and I vented to the chair for a little while, but now the steam has dispersed. I admit, I've been guilty of being study anal several times in my existence, but when I enter a test, I figure I've studied enough and it's too late to do anything at that point anyhow. Well, for a moment today, I thought, "dog bummit.. I could have done something." But it was all just one of those fruitless epiphanies that I'll never be able to change. Everything happens for a reason, so there's really no use crying about the past. But it's sad to think what a big poop it all was. baahh... It's like getting an 89. Ever get one too many of those and feel just a tad on the *raises fist in air* side? It's that *cringe* so close feeling. It's like tantalizing a baby with ice cream on a spoon and never feeding it to his mouth! Eventually, that feeling sort of dies and you're left with a whole bunch of what ifs. What if I had done this differently? What if I had gotten to eat that ice cream off the spoon.....?
So enough of this nonsense. Friends ended well, but slightly disappointing. For obvious reasons, this wonderful ten year situational comedy has come to an abrupt close. Well, where there is an end, there is a beginning. I guess nothing beats ending such an awesome show than the year 2004. The forever finale of Friends is only the beginning to the cycle of stuff that is to come this year. In a few weeks, class of '04 will walk across that podium and go down in Clements history. Then there will be a spectacular summer Olympic games and THEN the soon-to-be class of '08 will come stampeding into college campuses. So many WHOAs this year. It's just like trying to recover from the migrane you have after AP exams. Definitely takes some time.
Speaking of APs...I am SO thankful that I am done with them....for this week. One more to go...Chem...but I suppose it's a battle that shall be tackled with feriocity. Might as well win this years APs with a mighty victory right? I think taking AP exams is such an emotional experience. There are so many thoughts and feelings poured into every question, every free response; and afterwards you're left with this all-thought-out feeling of relief that you can finally put your pencil down and breathe...even if it's only for a brief second. I always walk out of the boys gym after the AP exams with a sense of accomplishment. There's a level of pride that go into the words "I am a mighty survior of the _________ exam." Before every exam, I always say a quick prayer, and let me be the first to tell you that that is the greatest weapon against giving up when this one prose piece in the wackitywackwack free response section of the english literature exam throws you off course. When my hand was vigorously shaking, and sweat beads were dripping from my brow after the Lit exam, I praised the Lord for the strength to conquer that beast. For the first time in my life I was overwhelmed by english, and I was worried walking in this morning. But all fears subsided and as you can see, I have survived to tell the story. Prayer will never fail you, only your human strength will.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Sometimes we think of these two things as in opposition. The Bible never places them so, but shows how perfectly they harmonize. Prayer is one kind of work, necessary to the proper doing of all other kinds. When we pray, we are in touch with God, expectant, trusting: He is at work. He does what we cannot do. We are to be at work also, doing what we can do.
In Paul's closing remarks to the Christians in Colossae he includes greetings from Epaphras.
He prays hard for you all the time....
He works tirelessly for you. (Col 4:12 NEB)
As we pray, the Lord frequently shows us what we ourselves can do to cooperate with Him in bringing about the answer. Let us listen as we pray. Then let us go out and work tirelessly.
--Elizabeth Elliot
In Paul's closing remarks to the Christians in Colossae he includes greetings from Epaphras.
He prays hard for you all the time....
He works tirelessly for you. (Col 4:12 NEB)
As we pray, the Lord frequently shows us what we ourselves can do to cooperate with Him in bringing about the answer. Let us listen as we pray. Then let us go out and work tirelessly.
--Elizabeth Elliot
Sunday, May 02, 2004
that got away......
The weeks that we've all been waiting for are rolling around, and am I prepared? hah...hah....hah....does anyone else feel that way? I feel like I still have a long ways to study before I'll be ready for my AP exams. It almost feels like a deja vu of last year...blek. I seriously think that senior year has caused me to acquire ADD. Is there a cure? I've never really been one to stress over anything, but I cant wait until these next two weeks are over. You know how anticipating time always passes less quickly than looking back at time passing? I figure that's what's going ot happen. Right now, I'm anticipating that these two weeks should pass quickly, and when the weeks are finally over, I'll look back and see how quickly time actually passed. Work hard now, play hard later. Sooner or later, it'll all be over. =)
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Bottom line, dont stress out about tomorrow or the tomorrow after tomorrow or the tomorrow after the tomorrow of tomorrow.
Best wishes on those APs... and hopefully those two letters will not forever haunt you.
The weeks that we've all been waiting for are rolling around, and am I prepared? hah...hah....hah....does anyone else feel that way? I feel like I still have a long ways to study before I'll be ready for my AP exams. It almost feels like a deja vu of last year...blek. I seriously think that senior year has caused me to acquire ADD. Is there a cure? I've never really been one to stress over anything, but I cant wait until these next two weeks are over. You know how anticipating time always passes less quickly than looking back at time passing? I figure that's what's going ot happen. Right now, I'm anticipating that these two weeks should pass quickly, and when the weeks are finally over, I'll look back and see how quickly time actually passed. Work hard now, play hard later. Sooner or later, it'll all be over. =)
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Bottom line, dont stress out about tomorrow or the tomorrow after tomorrow or the tomorrow after the tomorrow of tomorrow.
Best wishes on those APs... and hopefully those two letters will not forever haunt you.