Sunday, April 04, 2004

the not so perfect world we live in....

Do you ever wonder why people find enjoyment at the expense of others? Like how people enjoy watching someone trip over things. I had a teacher who made videos of people tripping, just so he could laugh at them. Or how people like to see those who win all the time lose..or witness the most accepted people receive rejection. Is it because people gain some kind of satisfaction in watching the best of mankind fail? No one's perfect and no matter what we do to prevent it, nature will run its course..stuff happens.
People have been asking me all sorts of weird questions lately. Mostly about stuff I didn't know they knew about me. It's weird wondering how they hear about what goes on in my life, especially when I dont really know them. It's funny how connected everyone is these days. News travels pretty fast via aim or blogs. And going with my quote from yesterday, there's some curious bees out there reading random xanga and blogs and then you find out about some random person's life and what happens when you actually meet them?
I guess it reminds me of this person I've known for a long time, or well I've heard lots about them throughout the years, but I never actually met them. So in a sense, it seemed like I knew the person pretty well since I'd heard so much about them. Then when I finally met them, it was in reply to an email I'd sent to the person. It was funny cuz I'd heard from others that this person was a great person, but the way they turned out to be was not what I'd expected. They turned out to be unbelievably encouraging, intellegent, and funny. So although it seems like you know someone through reading their blog or hearing dont really get to know someone until you talk to them in person. and i lost my train of thought....

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