my Freedom....the Reason for the season.....that's what You are to me....
seems like everyone was up early this morning. I fell asleep at 10 last night and awoke to my sister pulling the blankets off my bed yelling in my ear, "hey gah jie!!! Where's my present?!?!?!?" So it took me about 30 minutes to get out of bed and deliver gifts. The family was estatic and it was happy times. =) I'm really thankful for all of the gifts I got this year and i like every one of them oober much. But it really is the thought that counts. Dontcha just get this warm fuzzy feeling inside to know that people out there took the time out to think of you and get you a gift? I dunno about you, but suddenly i feel warmer already. Thanks everyone! ^_^
I've been a Christian a little over 8 years and I dont think the depth of Christ's sacrifice has ever hit me completely. Only in recent months have I come to understand a little of just how amazing God's love is. I remember praying to understand what it meant that God loves me, and God answered my prayer. That prayer actually took several years, but when it was answered, words couldnt describe the understanding and the feeling i got. For many years, I've prayed to grasp the depth of the meaning of Christmas. I honestly dont think Christmas hits me the way it can. Just thinking that God sent His only son to step down from His glory to come to earth, is truly out of this world. Everytime i think about Christmas, I get really confused. I'm just so overcome with shock that an almighty God came to earth for one purpose: He lived to die. whoa.
I still remember the day i got baptized. I had planned to say something deep and meaningful, but no words came out of my mouth except John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
Do you ever question if there's "more to life than chasing down every temporary high?" Well, there is. As i've mentioned before, I believe that everyone is built with a God-shaped hole, a void you might say, that only God can fill. (hence the name) And if you dont feel like your life is completely fulfilling, it's probably because you havent let Him jump into that hole.
"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10
May your holiday season be fulfilling; and may that void in your life be filled with something that will satisfy you for eternity. Merry Christmas =)
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