Monday, October 13, 2003

Preoccupation with Work (put into perspective as school cuz after all that is your work right?)
Eccles. 6:7
All man's efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.

Ecclesiastes 6:7

How is it that “all man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied?” (Eccl. 6:7). The answer is that men have greatly misunderstood God’s intent for work. Labor is not an end in itself, and it can never satisfy the eternal longings of their heart. Tragically, Satan has duped many to believe his lies and has thereby driven them away from God.

The devil gets other men to think, “OK, if work can’t be my god, I‘ll reject it altogether!” But this way of thinking is just as erroneous as the previous mind-set. The work that God gives us to do is not meaningless or trivial. It was His original intent that we, like Him, be engaged in productive pursuits. You glorify God when you use your talents and gifts for the betterment of mankind. But when you serve only yourself through your work, that work has lost its meaning and value.

Remember, allowing yourself to be preoccupied with work is not the will of God. But neither is being lazy and unproductive. The balance comes when you see your work as an opportunity to serve God and your fellow humans. If this is your way of thinking, you can be enthusiastic about the work the Lord has given you to do, for ultimately nothing that you do for Him is ever useless (1 Cor. 15:58).

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