Sunday, August 24, 2003

dont cry because it's because it happened ^_^

i've been hearing that a lot lately. How true and how sweet. This past weekend has truely marked the dawning of a new era. To start it off, got to celebrate some special ppls bdays (glores, simon, lex) then the HIS team retreat. The retreat was definitely a big turning point for me. God opened my eyes to show me so much about the things that i've been thinking about lately. It's definitely been difficult letting go of all the wonderful blessings of this past year. But going to the retreat and sharing in fellowship with the team got me so pumped for God's AWESOME work ahead in the Focus ministry. Another thing that's been really encouraging is reading what the '03 seniors have to blog. It's definitely AWESOME seeing how God has worked in them, IS working in them, and WILL work in them. God has truely equipped u guys well for the world. I'm EXTREMEly excited to see the AWESOME plans God has in store for each of you to "prosper" (jeremiah 29:11) in ur walks with Him. You guys are all a bunch of EXTREMEly AWESOME ppl that's been so richly blessed and dearly loved by God. Not to mention EXTREMEly appreciated and loved by everyone at home too. Thanks for all the AWESOME memories that have been made, and i sure hope and am confident that the future holds many memories that are yet to be made. So God bless and God speed to this new chapter of each of your lives.

so another mark of this new era wud be the dispersal of my wonderfully AWESOME sunday school class. Man i love all of those girls in there and we share something extremely special in that class. Altho at times we can be...herm... wuts the word to describe us? hehe.. well ms. fong wud know... and i also love ms. fong for having that patience, as one of the girls pointed out today, to deal with our quirkiness and wutnots. However, teary-eyed the situation of our separation is, I know God has plans for us to "prosper" as well. So as we part in our separate ways, may we bring that warmth and closeness we share with one another into our new sunday school classes.

dude.. i almost feel as though each of us are warriors and we're out to wage the battles of life with God on our side.... maan.. we're fighting a war that's already been won! awesome

some things will change, but some things change only for the better.

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