aw bummer.. i missed friday.... herm... so yea.. im sleeping right now *wink* Props to Les Mis cast... amazing... so good... so good! i cant wait till jess sends me a tape *nudge nudge* i wanna c more les mis! imma go listen to my soundtrack...yea.. that's wut i'll do.
i have tons to do this weekend.. somedays it's just nice to stay in bed.. and sleep... and sleep. I'm tired.. so tired.
funny story:
i was heading to school today, i get to the last stop sign on elkins b4 u hit clements. so i'm waiting at the stop sign... and my car starts to vibrate... and it's this terrible BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM....i look around.. and i thought there was like.. some earthquake or something....then i look to the lexus in front of me.. and i see their break lights blinking to the BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM... so they had their base up so loud... that the entire street was vibrating and their lights were blinking.. sheesh... they're gonna go deaf! so i follow this car into the student parking. and the car parks somewhere behind me... so i turn to see who was in the car.. and it was these two guys... so i'm walking behind these two guys.. and one guy says, "so.. wut'd u eat for breakfast?" and the other guy kinna ignored him... and so the first guy repeats himself, "HEY (shove) wut'd u eat for breakfast?" ... and the second guy looks at him.. and says, "what? i cant hear what ur saying....." haha.. man.. had the radio on so loud he cudn't hear.. *sigh*... *shakes head*..
okie..head gonna slam on keyboard..and fam finally home.. from who knows where.... happy new years all!!!! gnite
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