i've realized something.... i really appreciate song artists that dont curse in their music... all the secular songs i like are cuss-free.
i had an interesting dream last night. i was sitting on a chair in my bathroom cuz i was suffering from indigestion (which i was last night) waiting for my burps to pass. Suddenly i get sucked into the sink. When i awoke, i was a prisoner of a ship full of canibals. Then this guy that looked like mr. cobra bubbles is wearing a dress and runs towards me and says " a telegram for you miss" and it's from this dude named nathan whom i knew from fifth grade... and apparently he became a sha of some distant arabian country and he was inviting me to be his concubine.... for some extremely odd reason.. i wanted to be his concubine.. cuz he was looking for a concubine that cud play this weird instrument called "the leaf" and it looked like a guitar made out of leaves... and i guess i knew how to play it.. so i'd be the perfect concubine.
Then suddenly i was sitting in a baseball game cheering on some really harry guy and screaming my lungs out.....and then the person sitting next to me spills their snow cone on my brand new shirt and beat them up... then i woke up really confused.
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