Friday, December 27, 2002
Oh this is exciting. So I was actually trying... actually trying... to do my bio outlining... seeing that there are 6 more to go. *sigh* But every single time.. i actually try to do my bio... i get reaaalllllyyyy really sleepy. Like.. i just woke up from a nap. It's almost 10 now... and when i went to sleep it was 7ish. This is soo very stink. I still have my gosh awful flies to count too. Know wut'd give me great satisfaction? First, i would freeze the flies and put them to sleep.. then when they're all conked out... i would dump them in an evil neighbors driveway and i would stomp them all to death. hehe.. whoops... a little morbid there. My point is... i want to rid my home of those flies... but i'm too lazy to count the 400ish some flies i have rite now. So if any one of u are willing to be a pal and knows their bio... come on over and help me count my flies... actually if ur friend enuf to do that.. i wouldnt want you to come over and put u through that misery. *sigh*... this is terrible.... i must must do all this retched stuff. I guess it's arite...i mean.. i count the the outlines.. and well... wut next? Life still goes on ^_^ so yea.. feeling much better now... i'm going to actually try to do my bio outlining again. Oh one more thing before i go... who was the person that use to say the word "crunk" all the time? I was sleeping and i woke up and i was like.. crunk... and then i was thinking.. who in the world was it that said that world all the time... so IF u know... do tell. *sigh.... ta ta
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