Somedays i wonder if i'll be immature when i'm a senior... guessing from the events of tonite..... i think it's all just a guy thing...
So now it's my turn to tell the story of the alex yang conspiracy......
So I finally finish the scarlet letter. Then alex yang IMs me..... and i forget wut he says... but i make the mistake of asking him, "how come your warning level is so high?" and so he goes on to explain that some annoymous person keeps warning him.. thus i become semi-involved... (i like to think i was impartial).... and THEN he discovers that the culprit is alex fan! and so........he's plotting his own conspiracy against the other alex.(refer to alex and jeremy's blogs) so THEN.. i forget wut happens.. and i'm talking to alex fan.... and then.. jeremy IMs me.. and asks "do you know wuts happening" and sure enuf... i do. So then.. ay (alex yang) says that af (alex fan) is using other sns and other ppl to warn him. SO THEN... this random bc.. something person...IMs AY and he's asking me if i know who it is... and so i IM this person and asks them who they are.. and he replies w/ an "who are U?" and so... i start talking with this "bc something" and... he pretends to be one of AF's friends....however... using my witty deductive reasoning.... i concluded that this annoymous....bc was infact... AF!... and so.. i ask jeremy and he says... "well.. i'm bc something 2".. then i knew for certain. As the conspiracy progressed... AF asked ME to warn AY... and being the "impartial" person that i am... i said.. i couldn't.....and he said "we can do this the easy way or the hard way..." ... so i decided to choose my own way out... i signed off and signed on several different sns.. heeehe.. to escape the pressures of being warned.....and THEN.. i got the complete conspiracy story... thanx to AY and jeremy.... ok.. that's it...
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