Thursday, September 26, 2002
due to popular demand, i am obligated to not use periods for an entry, as well as tell all about my "ultimate monday moment". Ok, so, it was early 6:40 am on Autumn Bend, one fine, dark, monday morning. I was cruzing in my 1989 mazda 626. I was running a bit late, so that morning i had decided not to wear my glasses while driving (yes very unsafe.) So i reached Jeremy's house and i pulled up to the curb. I looked into his house and the kitchen light was off, signaling that they had most likely left the house already. Sadly, i turned off my car and walked to the passenger side to get my backpack. Slowly but surely, i retreived my necesities from my car and i slowly migrated toward his house, just to see if they might still possibly be there. As i walked up his driveway, i saw a car emerge from the driveway of the house next door. The car just kinda stayed there for a while, and i slowly walked up the driveway. Then, suddenly, someone called out "Ophelia" and i turned and looked to see who it was, it was jeremy. So then he said to me, "what are u doing?!?! Dont worry about it, my neighbors dont mind." So then i thought, mind what? Then suddenly i realized, not only did i not see Auntie Sandra's car waiting for me, but i also didn't realize that i had parked at the wrong house. There, that's my monday moment. And surprise surprise, no excessive periods.
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