What makes a bad day good?
*sour pink lemonade suckers
*peanut butter crackers
*ex...(haha... Sammi knows wut i was gonna write.. yes.. i recieved a call)
*friends ( u guys... no.. i'm talking about the show...=D.....wut am i talking about.. i love u guys!!)
* "cry" by mandy moore...(me? cry?.. no....=P)
*Louis Koo songs
* Diddy KOng!!!
* going to bed b4 11
*having a cold room
*eating sushi (hehe.. didn't think i'd leave this out.... do day is complete w/o a dose of Jap food!!)
Monday, September 30, 2002
Sunday, September 29, 2002
hem.. i think i like my old template better... but it's time for change..hehe...SO did u guys have fun at hc? Bombers.....that went? Remember to send me a pic... dont for get ur ole"y'all" saying pal down in Texas. (dont worry.. i haven't picked up that bad habit yet... still western at heart) I had a blast at the talent show, so fun so awesome, what a great thing for such a good cause... we raised very much for the youth building.. very exciting.......and we have our Father to thank for that....thanx for all the talent. Hem.. and according to Alex... i apparently dance like Julia Stiles in save the last dance. But anyhow... it was a massively kewl wut.. 4 minutes of my life that i practiced months upon months for..(haha.. well maybe not THat long)
so what categorizes a westerner from a southerner?
West: in cali they say Soda, in Oregon and Washington they say Pop (so..the west says.. soda pop) In the west, people say you guys, and no.. not all californians are the sterotypical "clueless" type... and in Washington, it doesnt always rain, only in the Puget Sound, (or more familiarly know as....the Seattle area)......Washingtonians... dont just have apples as fruits.. in fact, most of you might have never heard of Rainer Cherries....(great stuff.. i miss that most about WA..keke..no..not really) To make the ultimate comparison... they do have everything the south has... to a smaller scale.. there aren't as many SUPER stores (super target, super walmart... whereas down here.. they're everywhere.. there are like.. 2 super walmarts and 2 super targets on HW 6) to top it off.. i think when it come down to boredom..........like.. summer time boredom when you have no car....both places are just as boring... but Texas is worse cuz it's humid... the heat isn't the problem.. it's the humidity... gahhh...
South: em.. since i dont know too much about the south yet.... it's true.. ppl here say y'all all the time.. and it's the funniest thing when they say "all y'all"...(that cracked me up for the first 6 months of my Texas life....no offense.. i still think the south is kewl) and em... every kind of soft drink here seems to be refered to as their proper name.. no general term.. coke is coke.. sprite is sprite...surge is surge..(do u remember when 7/11 had surge slurpees>?) oh.. and the worst thing about Sugar Land is... there are no ARBY'S!!!>... that place is the ultimate best sandwich/fast food joint there is... and i have to suffer w/o it...poophy. Oh, and people dont ride horses to school. (i'm still waiting for my parking permit)......the truth about Texas is... most everything here is brick.. and yes.. my school looks like a jail...
so yea.. i'm feelin randome tonite.. enjoyed my free time w/o hw.. wow.. so this is wut it feels like.. i think i like this feeling!
so what categorizes a westerner from a southerner?
West: in cali they say Soda, in Oregon and Washington they say Pop (so..the west says.. soda pop) In the west, people say you guys, and no.. not all californians are the sterotypical "clueless" type... and in Washington, it doesnt always rain, only in the Puget Sound, (or more familiarly know as....the Seattle area)......Washingtonians... dont just have apples as fruits.. in fact, most of you might have never heard of Rainer Cherries....(great stuff.. i miss that most about WA..keke..no..not really) To make the ultimate comparison... they do have everything the south has... to a smaller scale.. there aren't as many SUPER stores (super target, super walmart... whereas down here.. they're everywhere.. there are like.. 2 super walmarts and 2 super targets on HW 6) to top it off.. i think when it come down to boredom..........like.. summer time boredom when you have no car....both places are just as boring... but Texas is worse cuz it's humid... the heat isn't the problem.. it's the humidity... gahhh...
South: em.. since i dont know too much about the south yet.... it's true.. ppl here say y'all all the time.. and it's the funniest thing when they say "all y'all"...(that cracked me up for the first 6 months of my Texas life....no offense.. i still think the south is kewl) and em... every kind of soft drink here seems to be refered to as their proper name.. no general term.. coke is coke.. sprite is sprite...surge is surge..(do u remember when 7/11 had surge slurpees>?) oh.. and the worst thing about Sugar Land is... there are no ARBY'S!!!>... that place is the ultimate best sandwich/fast food joint there is... and i have to suffer w/o it...poophy. Oh, and people dont ride horses to school. (i'm still waiting for my parking permit)......the truth about Texas is... most everything here is brick.. and yes.. my school looks like a jail...
so yea.. i'm feelin randome tonite.. enjoyed my free time w/o hw.. wow.. so this is wut it feels like.. i think i like this feeling!
Saturday, September 28, 2002
note to self: dont ever write a journal style blog... way too boring. Recaping the events of your day is killer. Well, at least for my life anyways, unless there is some particualarly interesting things that occur... which doesn't happen often enough. Yea.. so um.. my sister went to the cheerleading clinic today... for a free cheerleading class.........and apparently she had the time of her life. So when she came home she says," hey gaj, can u tell me to "hit it"... so yea.. i say, "hit it." and then she starts chanting, "gymtex we blah blah blah blah ( i dun remember it.. she sang it too many times) blah sometimes we are rocking red sometimes we are rolling blue...GOOOOOOOOOO gymtex!!" hahaha.. so cute.. so now.. i just kinda randomly shout out "hit it" and she starts cheering. Oh, and i went running today, those grass bugs are so gross... they taste bad too... eeyuk....i think next time i'll just resort to stairs..haha..So.. i'll cya all at the talent show tonite? 7:30... u'll be there??? Good.. that's wut i thought
Friday, September 27, 2002
(later.. as i was taking michelle home)
oph: so yea.. we'll study in 2 weeks ok
mich: ok
oph: ur parents ok w/ it?
Mich: probably
(light turns yellow)
oph: whoa
mich: ahhhh... that was the first time u've floored it
oph: whao.. that was the first time.. so wut were we talking about?
Then after i dropped her off, i went to music and sound to pick up and pick for my guitar. I walk in pick a pick... and head to pay for it. The lady was preoccupied and i wait for her for about 5 minutes. Then she asks, " what do u need." I say, " i want to pay for these." She replies, "oh, dont worry about it, have a nice day." so yea... i got free stuff today.... how kewl... i'm excited.. had a great day... just gotta work on my cell picture...*gahhh*
oph: so yea.. we'll study in 2 weeks ok
mich: ok
oph: ur parents ok w/ it?
Mich: probably
(light turns yellow)
oph: whoa
mich: ahhhh... that was the first time u've floored it
oph: whao.. that was the first time.. so wut were we talking about?
Then after i dropped her off, i went to music and sound to pick up and pick for my guitar. I walk in pick a pick... and head to pay for it. The lady was preoccupied and i wait for her for about 5 minutes. Then she asks, " what do u need." I say, " i want to pay for these." She replies, "oh, dont worry about it, have a nice day." so yea... i got free stuff today.... how kewl... i'm excited.. had a great day... just gotta work on my cell picture...*gahhh*
as me and michelle were coming home from toco bell/ baskin robins at a stop sign on williams trace
Oph: do u know wut is really sick? When there are joggin ladies and they come to stop lights and they're bouncing up and down in their sports bras
Mich: where?
Oph: over there.....next to the street light, by that tree
mich: o well... the tree is covering her up, i can only see her leg bouncing up and down
(lady bounces away from tree)
oph: see her now?
mich:o my...(pauses... then looks at the guy driving in the car next to us.) ahhhh..
oph: o my gosh.. he's looking at her... ahhh.. he's drooling!!!
(man wipes his mouth)
Mich: ahhhh.... ewwww....
so yea.. that's another one of me and Michelle's blog worthy moments.... we have quite a few....*sigh*... We haven't had the opportunity to head bang to eminem in a long time... well .... Jimmy Eat world is almost just as good... but not quite the same....hehe.... wow.. tonite.. dress rehersal for talent show.. hehe... and tomorrow is the real mc coy... o yea.. u better believe it... the nyscers are gonna rock fbcc tomorrow nite... hehe.. be there or (as justine says) be square.
Oph: do u know wut is really sick? When there are joggin ladies and they come to stop lights and they're bouncing up and down in their sports bras
Mich: where?
Oph: over there.....next to the street light, by that tree
mich: o well... the tree is covering her up, i can only see her leg bouncing up and down
(lady bounces away from tree)
oph: see her now?
mich:o my...(pauses... then looks at the guy driving in the car next to us.) ahhhh..
oph: o my gosh.. he's looking at her... ahhh.. he's drooling!!!
(man wipes his mouth)
Mich: ahhhh.... ewwww....
so yea.. that's another one of me and Michelle's blog worthy moments.... we have quite a few....*sigh*... We haven't had the opportunity to head bang to eminem in a long time... well .... Jimmy Eat world is almost just as good... but not quite the same....hehe.... wow.. tonite.. dress rehersal for talent show.. hehe... and tomorrow is the real mc coy... o yea.. u better believe it... the nyscers are gonna rock fbcc tomorrow nite... hehe.. be there or (as justine says) be square.
Thursday, September 26, 2002
due to popular demand, i am obligated to not use periods for an entry, as well as tell all about my "ultimate monday moment". Ok, so, it was early 6:40 am on Autumn Bend, one fine, dark, monday morning. I was cruzing in my 1989 mazda 626. I was running a bit late, so that morning i had decided not to wear my glasses while driving (yes very unsafe.) So i reached Jeremy's house and i pulled up to the curb. I looked into his house and the kitchen light was off, signaling that they had most likely left the house already. Sadly, i turned off my car and walked to the passenger side to get my backpack. Slowly but surely, i retreived my necesities from my car and i slowly migrated toward his house, just to see if they might still possibly be there. As i walked up his driveway, i saw a car emerge from the driveway of the house next door. The car just kinda stayed there for a while, and i slowly walked up the driveway. Then, suddenly, someone called out "Ophelia" and i turned and looked to see who it was, it was jeremy. So then he said to me, "what are u doing?!?! Dont worry about it, my neighbors dont mind." So then i thought, mind what? Then suddenly i realized, not only did i not see Auntie Sandra's car waiting for me, but i also didn't realize that i had parked at the wrong house. There, that's my monday moment. And surprise surprise, no excessive periods.
hemf... i've completely lost feeling in my left middle finger. I think that is the sacrifice i had to make in order to play the guitar. *sigh*... well... i still have some fingers that can sense...Funniest thing, the other day my sis's friend Emily calls her and they talk on the phone... and well u c.. my sister is 6 and so it's odd seeing her on the phone w. her little friends.... it was great actually... cuz she'd be walking around the house... holding the cordless and being all enthusiastic about her conversation....so cute. So then she got off the phone w/ Emily and then she runs really fast to my parents room, and she announces "mom!! MOM!!>> DAD!!! dad! That was my first time on the phone!!!!" It was very very funny. *LMBO*.....bwah... .. ..our cell drawing for Bio.. is huge!!... it's so big i have to draw it on the floor of my corridor.....gahh...more work for bio... tsk tsk...Oh, and new discovery for me.... the seafood sub at subway is so good... *drool* emmm....yummy......it's like that chicken pizza thing at pizza hut... so satisfying.. emmm yummy... OH, oh!!.... has anyone ever seen a retractable spoon? (is retractable a word or am i just making things up again?) But yea... i was eating my white fungus (i'm sure most chinese ppl have had it... u just didn't know it was white fungus...hahah) but yea.. it has this spoon and it folds and unfolds... and it's so kewl....massive facination. I think i have a new obession w/ the word nutty... (as i am being told........*sticks tongue out*) but yea.. if u hear me say it.. tell me to stop... or it'll be like my bad "spiffy" saying habits... gahh... that reminds me so much of Mr.Schemel... dang he was scary. So we dont want that to happen. Oh yea.. Friends... coming on in twenty minutes... wow... it's funny how i didn't watch most of the last season, but i know wuts going on... it's nutty how loved that show is...keke... well.. here comes another fun filled thursday/.... wanna be friday nite!!... o yea.. go NSYNC!!! Go JOEY!!! (yea.. that's me... come to the talent show and c wut i mean....)
em... Steeni!!.. i hope ur thumb feels better!!... Deeni!!.. i wish u the safest of safe tomorrow!!... Cyndi... LOVE YA LOTS....llike i always do..hehe...(stealing ur line again..)
Sammi.... dont try... it's not in his nature to try... dont attempt... baaaad idea....
em... Steeni!!.. i hope ur thumb feels better!!... Deeni!!.. i wish u the safest of safe tomorrow!!... Cyndi... LOVE YA LOTS....llike i always do..hehe...(stealing ur line again..)
Sammi.... dont try... it's not in his nature to try... dont attempt... baaaad idea....
Monday, September 23, 2002
davis is a fruit.. he'll be cruzin around town, picking up girls in his fruity fruity car
Ta11dud: umm they call it Black Current Pearl
Ta11dud: but its really just a drak purple
OpHeEeNiEeE: purple!?!?
Ta11dud: yea shhh
OpHeEeNiEeE: haha..
Ta11dud: " Black Current Pearl "
OpHeEeNiEeE: black current is purple!!
Ta11dud: umm they call it Black Current Pearl
Ta11dud: but its really just a drak purple
OpHeEeNiEeE: purple!?!?
Ta11dud: yea shhh
OpHeEeNiEeE: haha..
Ta11dud: " Black Current Pearl "
OpHeEeNiEeE: black current is purple!!
Sunday, September 22, 2002
gahh... sunday sunday sunday.... not that i dislike sundays... i love sundays..but sunday nites aren't as wonderful as they should be.. i dislike myself for procrastinating and not being studious...*sigh*..... my fingers are so pink and blistered from guitar playing *ouch*....but... on the positive note... POP is officially complete... woohoo... going through the entire song gives so much satisfaction it's great. It's been so much fun dancin w. the nsyncers.....wow.. talent show.. NEXT WEEK... whoa. time does fly.. and dang.. six weeks is almost over.. *tear*.......that is the part i dread about school........progress reports... (that name is so misleading.. i'm not making any progress...)
Note to Sammi: nope.. cuz Jack was in Cali frosh yr, second quest... nope.. and third question.. nope.........side comment: aww... i knew it i knew it... ^_^ (yea.. big secret eh?)
Note to Sammi: nope.. cuz Jack was in Cali frosh yr, second quest... nope.. and third question.. nope.........side comment: aww... i knew it i knew it... ^_^ (yea.. big secret eh?)
Friday, September 20, 2002
Jake is so right.......there really isn't a particular point to blogs, their purpose is to serve no purpose. It is a place for people to just write a bunch of nonsense*_* But it's still fun to have...... i get to babysit tonite... i dun remember the last time i babysat someone besides my sister, and ironically... my sis wont be there.....she gets to go to a movie party.... aww.. how cute huh? a seven yr old movie party... and they get to stay up until 10!!!!
The irony of it all... Clements and Hanford hc.. same nite.. just like last yr.... and oh oh...guess wut guys? yep yep.. i know the big secret too.... after forever... i figured it out... i will not tell who betrayed your little "groupies" but... i will HELP you.... all u wackaroos...Fear not... have confidence... the hint of the nite is: Spike (common.. easy one..haha...)
Guess wut??? i saw someone that looks just like Mike Oberg... wuts w/ this... first i saw a mark look alike.. and now a mike?!?! it's sorta funny... cuz i think they have the same shoes....
The irony of it all... Clements and Hanford hc.. same nite.. just like last yr.... and oh oh...guess wut guys? yep yep.. i know the big secret too.... after forever... i figured it out... i will not tell who betrayed your little "groupies" but... i will HELP you.... all u wackaroos...Fear not... have confidence... the hint of the nite is: Spike (common.. easy one..haha...)
Guess wut??? i saw someone that looks just like Mike Oberg... wuts w/ this... first i saw a mark look alike.. and now a mike?!?! it's sorta funny... cuz i think they have the same shoes....
Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Today was a massively (Jacks word!!!.... i found a place to use it..hehe) awesome day. It's just one of those days where nothing had to happen, and it was just plain good. Or it is a possibility that i was so tired that i didn't really know what was going on. I mean i had to take a detour around a teachers waist line. You see, what happened was, i was walking down the hallway after 5th period, and i was mingling my way towards gloria's locker. Suddenly, this teacher walks out in front of me and his stomach gets in my way... so i had to run in to some ppl to avoid it. I guess that was the down side to my day....o well... better go.. ma yelling about something or other..hehe
Sunday, September 15, 2002
gadeesh.. i wrote this really long entry and now.... it's gone!!! o well
is it just me.... or have u noticed that Jack has such a pretty smile, but in pictures he looks like a pug?
I'm doing this for Jesse....
my "homies only" SMILE list
Jesse (kekekee... i'm staying with that)
Jack (hey mr. pug man..)
Steeni (u always put a smile on my face when u say "cute")
Deeni (ok.. ur a part of this too even though we force u to show ur teeth)
Cyndi (we have the same smile, so ppl tell me.... and lots of ppl think we're sisters)
Danny (urgh... i want ur smile... God blessed u w/ one too many things......i want ur brain too)
Debbi (lightening in the middle of the nite is so scary.... we have interesting late nite convos)
Michelle (we have too many "girl giggle" moments.. *shift shift*)
if u have a bodacious smile that u'd like to report... plx tell me and u too will be a part of my "homies only" list
i love the new Avril song "skater boy" (i'm not writing the lyrics this time.. just in case)
Some ppl should be lock up for singing (ahem)
~as (ahem) was singing~
Mich: big grin spreads over face
oph: face turns red, holds in laugh
mich: cant handle much longer.. turns around
oph: face gets reder.. .turns around
(runs towards bathroom)
Mich: hahahahahahahahahaha
*(exits bathroom)
oph: hahahaahahahah
mich: whats wrong w/ u?
oph: hahahahahahah
(ahem walks by)
US: hahahahahahah LOBO ( this one is my new orginal version-laughing our butts off)
is it just me.... or have u noticed that Jack has such a pretty smile, but in pictures he looks like a pug?
I'm doing this for Jesse....
my "homies only" SMILE list
Jesse (kekekee... i'm staying with that)
Jack (hey mr. pug man..)
Steeni (u always put a smile on my face when u say "cute")
Deeni (ok.. ur a part of this too even though we force u to show ur teeth)
Cyndi (we have the same smile, so ppl tell me.... and lots of ppl think we're sisters)
Danny (urgh... i want ur smile... God blessed u w/ one too many things......i want ur brain too)
Debbi (lightening in the middle of the nite is so scary.... we have interesting late nite convos)
Michelle (we have too many "girl giggle" moments.. *shift shift*)
if u have a bodacious smile that u'd like to report... plx tell me and u too will be a part of my "homies only" list
i love the new Avril song "skater boy" (i'm not writing the lyrics this time.. just in case)
Some ppl should be lock up for singing (ahem)
~as (ahem) was singing~
Mich: big grin spreads over face
oph: face turns red, holds in laugh
mich: cant handle much longer.. turns around
oph: face gets reder.. .turns around
(runs towards bathroom)
Mich: hahahahahahahahahaha
*(exits bathroom)
oph: hahahaahahahah
mich: whats wrong w/ u?
oph: hahahahahahah
(ahem walks by)
US: hahahahahahah LOBO ( this one is my new orginal version-laughing our butts off)
Saturday, September 14, 2002
Thursday, September 12, 2002
I dont like this week. I dont like being a junior year. I agree with Steeni, "i said i liked school, i lied" Well, i guess there are some good things about school, some cool ppl... some cool days.. but most of all i hate the work ... the junior year rhythm... that really sinks.. but hey... it's all a part of this game of life. *poohy*
dang.. i'm having another homesick run through.... when will this cycle ever end....
"Cry" never gets old.... still the best song ever!!!
i challenge you... find me another song that i can listen to 100 times in a row and not get tired of it.... and i will give u a big prize (kek hehe....)
dang.. i'm having another homesick run through.... when will this cycle ever end....
"Cry" never gets old.... still the best song ever!!!
i challenge you... find me another song that i can listen to 100 times in a row and not get tired of it.... and i will give u a big prize (kek hehe....)
Wednesday, September 11, 2002
MightilyOats: lord
MightilyOats: i did the STUPIDEST THING
MightilyOats: hyrdocarbon
OpHeEeNiEeE: which was hydrocarbon?
MightilyOats: i thought it was Oxygen and Carbon compounds when CLEARLY its HYDROGEN and carbon
OpHeEeNiEeE: hahaha..
MightilyOats: ;o)
OpHeEeNiEeE: its ok..
MightilyOats: yeah
MightilyOats: gah kill me
OpHeEeNiEeE: i said cellular respiration for a metabolic pathway..
OpHeEeNiEeE: so... it' sok
OpHeEeNiEeE: we all make gay mistakes..hehe
OpHeEeNiEeE: some of us more than others..
MightilyOats: ;oD like me
OpHeEeNiEeE: we should start a club
OpHeEeNiEeE: the gayly mistaken club
MightilyOats: okay!
MightilyOats: sounds like a good idea
OpHeEeNiEeE: u and me baby
OpHeEeNiEeE: uh huh uh huh
MightilyOats: LOL we aint nothin but mammals
OpHeEeNiEeE: uh huh uh huh
MightilyOats: i did the STUPIDEST THING
MightilyOats: hyrdocarbon
OpHeEeNiEeE: which was hydrocarbon?
MightilyOats: i thought it was Oxygen and Carbon compounds when CLEARLY its HYDROGEN and carbon
OpHeEeNiEeE: hahaha..
MightilyOats: ;o)
OpHeEeNiEeE: its ok..
MightilyOats: yeah
MightilyOats: gah kill me
OpHeEeNiEeE: i said cellular respiration for a metabolic pathway..
OpHeEeNiEeE: so... it' sok
OpHeEeNiEeE: we all make gay mistakes..hehe
OpHeEeNiEeE: some of us more than others..
MightilyOats: ;oD like me
OpHeEeNiEeE: we should start a club
OpHeEeNiEeE: the gayly mistaken club
MightilyOats: okay!
MightilyOats: sounds like a good idea
OpHeEeNiEeE: u and me baby
OpHeEeNiEeE: uh huh uh huh
MightilyOats: LOL we aint nothin but mammals
OpHeEeNiEeE: uh huh uh huh
Tuesday, September 10, 2002
dum de dum de dum.... yes, i'm working on my bio, yes i will get it done.... yes i'm suffocating and i need a breather...*sigh* ( u know.. i think i actually let that word slip out of my mouth once b4... yikes!!) at this moment... i just need a break from work.....inhale....exhale.....inhale...choke on cookie...*cough cough* (inside joke...inside joke.. sorry.. sorry) i better get going.... b4 i actually mite have to go to sleep late....BREATHE!!!!
Saturday, September 07, 2002
This week is over.... i liked this week. Not much work... lots of time to do stuff. But yet again, i am home, friday nite, being a diligent person and studying for my bio test monday. Funniest thing ever, i told my mom (who refuses to help me in school) that i did poorly on the last bio test. Then she says, "well, ur dad and I know all this
stuff.... why didn't u ask us?" Ok... i was like.. uh.. duh.. u refuse to help me.....haha remember ur lil self- policy ... no.. no cant help ophie w/ school..hehe...i love my mom exciting news for Jack...... my heart finally skipped a beat!!! ( bum bum.. bum bum.. skip... bum bum.. bum bum... ) it was kinda funny..... ur prolly thinking why this happened... no no... it's was not a guy ..*sigh*... haha.. actually i just got so scared that my heart stopped..... but i dont think that it's possible to stop it again... for i am fearless!!! ok.. it's late.. goonite
stuff.... why didn't u ask us?" Ok... i was like.. uh.. duh.. u refuse to help me.....haha remember ur lil self- policy ... no.. no cant help ophie w/ school..hehe...i love my mom exciting news for Jack...... my heart finally skipped a beat!!! ( bum bum.. bum bum.. skip... bum bum.. bum bum... ) it was kinda funny..... ur prolly thinking why this happened... no no... it's was not a guy ..*sigh*... haha.. actually i just got so scared that my heart stopped..... but i dont think that it's possible to stop it again... for i am fearless!!! ok.. it's late.. goonite
Thursday, September 05, 2002
i hate my computer... anyone wanna get me a new one for my b-day? *sigh*..... i'm so tired... and i cant get on aim.. and i cant get to my email.... wuts up with that? Urgh...well... at least i can update my blog. I have to say that the Bible in one year thing is definately challenging.... but i know that if the all of us support each other, it is very possilbe. I tried at the beginning of this year, i made it to May, but then finals started kicking in and well, the challenges came flying at me.... and my humanly strength failed me. Well, this time, with the help of many prayers, it can be done!!... and lukcy for me.. i've already read Joshua and Judges... so i basically get what's going on, and the second time around, it's even more clear, sort of....i recall reading the stuff... but some stuff is still a blur....I discovered that school is rather enjoyable when there is no bio outlines or quizzes.... it's so nice to be able to breathe a little and relax... i love taking naps... but then.. it's so tough to get to sleep at night... sometime.... oh oh oh.. i really should get back to running again too... i wanna get my heart rate back down again.. that way i can be in shape and be all energized and pepped to do thet stuff i should be doing. I cant wait until December, my favorite month of the year.... the cold weather .... the birthdays... the holidays.... but best of all... the vacation and the no homework. (of course all the family time is included in that too....) Oh, and psats are coming up..... haha.. and then my lack of prep will definately pay off... see me cry!! Anyhow... i should go play loser now and study just a tad for mondays bio test... bio.... always bio bio bio.. huh? and all bio 2 ppl say: "YES!!!"
Sunday, September 01, 2002
Wah... just went swimming.... swimming is so kewl.. i've finally mastered the art of the Butterfly stroke... hehe.. so much fun.. yet so tiring...
The life guard today had to be the worst looking and crabbiest ever...(no shallow comment here Jack) but remember that one lifeguard at the tennis match?...haha.. he was so funny.... (butt hole incident....) ANYWAYS....i'm hyped about the holiday tomorrow.. not that i'm doing anything tomorrow... but...its nice to think i can do hw tonite... hehe (i'm once again nerdiliciously lifeless) Man i wanna go swimming again!!! It was so fun!....ok. i'm gonna go do something productive now... toodles
The life guard today had to be the worst looking and crabbiest ever...(no shallow comment here Jack) but remember that one lifeguard at the tennis match?...haha.. he was so funny.... (butt hole incident....) ANYWAYS....i'm hyped about the holiday tomorrow.. not that i'm doing anything tomorrow... but...its nice to think i can do hw tonite... hehe (i'm once again nerdiliciously lifeless) Man i wanna go swimming again!!! It was so fun!....ok. i'm gonna go do something productive now... toodles