Wednesday, January 25, 2006
walking to class on a cold wednesday morning can be a blur sometimes. Except today something happened.
crossing 24th I spotted an Explorer which got too close to a parked car and ended up ripping off her own rearview mirror.... the other car, unscathed. ouch.
moral of the story, never drive down 24th early in the morning with a gas guzzling vehical when a million people are trying to cross the street.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
So I'm taking a class called African American families. It basically talks about the history of how the African American family dynamic came to be and how society today affects it. We watched a really powerful film this past week about the images that have progressed throughout the centuries portraying African Americans. It was surprising to see how far from the truth the images were yet people who didn't know otherwise took these images as the only truth they knew about African Americans. With the change in politics was the change in images. One such example was the logo for the Aunt Jemima Pancake mix.

after watching the film it seemed that there was a correlation between media images of African Americans and Asian Americans. I remember when I took Asian American studies we learned about the different portrayals of Asian Americans and for the most part they were equally as false as the images of African Americans. Like how women were depicted as sexual beings and males, effeminate.
When we watch movies today, the previews before the movie often deal with the same genre as the one that you're about to watch. Yesterday when I was watching the previews to Last Holiday I noticed that a lot of the movies showed a lot of the stereotypes that we have today of African Americans. Everyone laughs and perhaps they're true but were they always true or has society fueled a particular image of the ethnic group that they're now living by because what we see is the only truth we know?
I thought it was interesting how my professor said that like the changing logos of Aunt Jemima due to changes in politics, racism has also evolved from how it once was but is still present today.

after watching the film it seemed that there was a correlation between media images of African Americans and Asian Americans. I remember when I took Asian American studies we learned about the different portrayals of Asian Americans and for the most part they were equally as false as the images of African Americans. Like how women were depicted as sexual beings and males, effeminate.
When we watch movies today, the previews before the movie often deal with the same genre as the one that you're about to watch. Yesterday when I was watching the previews to Last Holiday I noticed that a lot of the movies showed a lot of the stereotypes that we have today of African Americans. Everyone laughs and perhaps they're true but were they always true or has society fueled a particular image of the ethnic group that they're now living by because what we see is the only truth we know?
I thought it was interesting how my professor said that like the changing logos of Aunt Jemima due to changes in politics, racism has also evolved from how it once was but is still present today.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
okay I admit that it's rather pleasant to be back. For some reason, one reminder that I've had several times in the past couple of days is that the fruit of everything you do springs from what you put into it. I'm beginning to see how that's playing out in this semester.
First semester you're excited, there's all the time in the world to do all the things you want to do. Second semester rolls around and time is beginning to close in on you and it's time to be very selective about the things that need to and can be accomplished.
Coming back I've realize there are so many things to look foward to this semester. So many things can turn these next several months into a tiresome semester or an exciting one. Let's hope it's the latter. Once again, it all has to do with what we put into it right?
Hopefully I can take after my mom and gain a good sense of balance in my life.
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
We've all heard this verse before but I honestly believe that keeping to the simple facts we know, will prevent our forgetfulness from bitting us in the butt later. It's easy to learn something but even easier to forget it. Hopefully college really does hone our minds =)
First semester you're excited, there's all the time in the world to do all the things you want to do. Second semester rolls around and time is beginning to close in on you and it's time to be very selective about the things that need to and can be accomplished.
Coming back I've realize there are so many things to look foward to this semester. So many things can turn these next several months into a tiresome semester or an exciting one. Let's hope it's the latter. Once again, it all has to do with what we put into it right?
Hopefully I can take after my mom and gain a good sense of balance in my life.
"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
We've all heard this verse before but I honestly believe that keeping to the simple facts we know, will prevent our forgetfulness from bitting us in the butt later. It's easy to learn something but even easier to forget it. Hopefully college really does hone our minds =)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
stuff I'm craving right now
-chinese sausage
-bing with tong yuen
-chai tea latte
-peanut sauce salad
-clementines (currently satisfying this craving)
what I wish I'd done over break
-watched more movies
-read more books
-played with sister more
-talked with my mom more
-gone to sleep earlier
-cleaned my room better
-reorganize my closet
-seen my roommate
-more resourceful with my summer profits
-hung out with more people I can't see in Austin
-done more crafts
what I'm glad I did over break
-ate Korean bbq
-watched The Game with equally if not more ethusiastic longhorn fans
-ate a lot of food
-saw many cool people
-hung out with really awesome girls
-played football
-read a decent amount
-spent a week with my sister
-good conversations with my parents
-phone calls
-college fellowship
-everything that I did
What I'm looking foward to this Spring
-hanging out with my roommate
-hanging out with my small group girls
-hanging out with people I've been meaning to hang out with
-getting up at 8am every morning
-learning stuff
-spring break
-OA class
-Jester shower power
-seeing suitemates everyday
-playing games
-running into people btwn classes
-....and the list goes on.
"Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalms 90:12
-chinese sausage
-bing with tong yuen
-chai tea latte
-peanut sauce salad
-clementines (currently satisfying this craving)
what I wish I'd done over break
-watched more movies
-read more books
-played with sister more
-talked with my mom more
-gone to sleep earlier
-cleaned my room better
-reorganize my closet
-seen my roommate
-more resourceful with my summer profits
-hung out with more people I can't see in Austin
-done more crafts
what I'm glad I did over break
-ate Korean bbq
-watched The Game with equally if not more ethusiastic longhorn fans
-ate a lot of food
-saw many cool people
-hung out with really awesome girls
-played football
-read a decent amount
-spent a week with my sister
-good conversations with my parents
-phone calls
-college fellowship
-everything that I did
What I'm looking foward to this Spring
-hanging out with my roommate
-hanging out with my small group girls
-hanging out with people I've been meaning to hang out with
-getting up at 8am every morning
-learning stuff
-spring break
-OA class
-Jester shower power
-seeing suitemates everyday
-playing games
-running into people btwn classes
-....and the list goes on.
"Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalms 90:12
Thursday, January 12, 2006
dance around the throne.....
so I was buying apples the other day when i came across the tag "Yakima, WA." Felt sudden nostalgia for the place. When I talk about Washington, most peoples' first assumption is that I'm talking about D.C. Then the second assumption is that I'm from Seattle. In my case, neither of those are true. Most people have probably never heard of Yakima so I was lonely in my acknowledgement of Gala apples being from that place.
There are some days that I really miss being a washingtonian. I like the fact that you can always find cheap skiing and find snow when you want in the winter. I loved living in a small town and having almost nothing and finding great joy in everything that we didnt have. It was awesome how good Chinese food was always a luxury. I liked how driving on the highway wasn't that difficult. Possibly a town they would film "The Simple Life" in =P
I think it's logical to desire simplicity as you age because the aging process often brings more complications. There's also the romantic homeland complex. There's a tendency to romanticize the places you were from. When you leave one home for another the image of that place remains constant, untainted by the changes that the progression of time brings. Maybe that explains why coming home for long periods of time feels like two worlds are colliding. good thing bad thing?
most common recently asked question, "ready to go back to school?" I can't ever imagine my answer being yes. I love everything about being home. This break has had many highlights and dimlights but I know I could always use more break. However, I have much to look foward to in this Spring semester.
so I was buying apples the other day when i came across the tag "Yakima, WA." Felt sudden nostalgia for the place. When I talk about Washington, most peoples' first assumption is that I'm talking about D.C. Then the second assumption is that I'm from Seattle. In my case, neither of those are true. Most people have probably never heard of Yakima so I was lonely in my acknowledgement of Gala apples being from that place.
There are some days that I really miss being a washingtonian. I like the fact that you can always find cheap skiing and find snow when you want in the winter. I loved living in a small town and having almost nothing and finding great joy in everything that we didnt have. It was awesome how good Chinese food was always a luxury. I liked how driving on the highway wasn't that difficult. Possibly a town they would film "The Simple Life" in =P
I think it's logical to desire simplicity as you age because the aging process often brings more complications. There's also the romantic homeland complex. There's a tendency to romanticize the places you were from. When you leave one home for another the image of that place remains constant, untainted by the changes that the progression of time brings. Maybe that explains why coming home for long periods of time feels like two worlds are colliding. good thing bad thing?
most common recently asked question, "ready to go back to school?" I can't ever imagine my answer being yes. I love everything about being home. This break has had many highlights and dimlights but I know I could always use more break. However, I have much to look foward to in this Spring semester.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Jared Anderson
You are the source of life
I can't be left behind
No one else will do
I will lay hold of you
I need you Jesus to come to my rescue
Where else can I go?
There's no other name by which I am saved
Capture me with grace
I will follow you
This world has nothing for me
I will follow you
Jared Anderson
You are the source of life
I can't be left behind
No one else will do
I will lay hold of you
I need you Jesus to come to my rescue
Where else can I go?
There's no other name by which I am saved
Capture me with grace
I will follow you
This world has nothing for me
I will follow you
Thursday, January 05, 2006
a creative title for first entry of 2006.............
I've broken another tradition..yet again. In the past I was in the habit of updating resolutions the 2nd day of the year. I can't even remember what happened this year.
Reflections of 2005? It was an amazing year filled with a lot of reality. A lot of change happened that kinda grayed my hair but I guess that happens when you grow up right?
So the first of this year I was thinking about resolutions. A common thought is that making new years resolutions is silly. Sure, maybe you won't always fulfill them but I think that it gives some direction for a new year. Seriously, every new year really sneaks up on me. I thought the world would end after 2004...never imagined life after it...and now it's '06.
I was reading Genesis 26 that day and it talked about Isaac and his people facing a famine. Three things in particular stuck out to me that contributed to my resolutions. The first thing was how Isaac said that Rebekah (his wife) was his sister just like Abraham did with Sarah. Both lied in fear for their lives. The second event that stuck out was how Isaac, like Abraham became extremely wealthy but people envied him; unlike Abraham who was wealthy and spread his wealth with Lot and dispersed. The third thing that stuck out to me was when some men said to Isaac "We saw clearly that the LORD was with you" (vs. 28).
So about that Isaac and Rebekah thing. I find it interesting how history of Abraham's actions (mistake?) repeat itself with Isaac. That reminds me of how often lessons that God teaches us hits us hard in the face. I realize that certain realizations have that effect because we have an inclination to forget what we learn. So this year I want to be more conscious of the things God teaches me so that I won't forget so often and feel like I get slapped everytime.
As for Isaac's wealth. I feel like when we're Christians...we have a lot of wealth. Whether it's the wealth of having that huge banquet in heaven, the simple blessings or even the life lessons we're enlightened with. What good is all that if we hoard and not share with others? I know I let plenty of opportunities slip to share of just a bit of the wealth I possess. It's also come to my realization that God has place many opportunities in the future for me to stop hoarding the I guess it's up to me to see what I do with it all. It always comes down to what we do with the good news we possess doesnt it? I feel like God is always waiting for us....when we think we're waiting for him...he's already met us where we're at.
For the last event...I guess the verse just really stuck out to me. ".....We saw clearly that the LORD was with you...." (vs. 28). Isn't that how God's children should be living? I've heard too many times that Christians are no different from nice people. I know I disappoint God with my actions often so that verse was a really good reminder of how to live. So hopefully this year will come with the knowledge of how to live in such a way that others see clearly that the Lord is with me.
somehow thoughts aren't flowing as eloquently through my mind this year. Does two decades really take a toll on the mind and body?
I wish you all a fulfilling 2006.
I've broken another tradition..yet again. In the past I was in the habit of updating resolutions the 2nd day of the year. I can't even remember what happened this year.
Reflections of 2005? It was an amazing year filled with a lot of reality. A lot of change happened that kinda grayed my hair but I guess that happens when you grow up right?
So the first of this year I was thinking about resolutions. A common thought is that making new years resolutions is silly. Sure, maybe you won't always fulfill them but I think that it gives some direction for a new year. Seriously, every new year really sneaks up on me. I thought the world would end after 2004...never imagined life after it...and now it's '06.
I was reading Genesis 26 that day and it talked about Isaac and his people facing a famine. Three things in particular stuck out to me that contributed to my resolutions. The first thing was how Isaac said that Rebekah (his wife) was his sister just like Abraham did with Sarah. Both lied in fear for their lives. The second event that stuck out was how Isaac, like Abraham became extremely wealthy but people envied him; unlike Abraham who was wealthy and spread his wealth with Lot and dispersed. The third thing that stuck out to me was when some men said to Isaac "We saw clearly that the LORD was with you" (vs. 28).
So about that Isaac and Rebekah thing. I find it interesting how history of Abraham's actions (mistake?) repeat itself with Isaac. That reminds me of how often lessons that God teaches us hits us hard in the face. I realize that certain realizations have that effect because we have an inclination to forget what we learn. So this year I want to be more conscious of the things God teaches me so that I won't forget so often and feel like I get slapped everytime.
As for Isaac's wealth. I feel like when we're Christians...we have a lot of wealth. Whether it's the wealth of having that huge banquet in heaven, the simple blessings or even the life lessons we're enlightened with. What good is all that if we hoard and not share with others? I know I let plenty of opportunities slip to share of just a bit of the wealth I possess. It's also come to my realization that God has place many opportunities in the future for me to stop hoarding the I guess it's up to me to see what I do with it all. It always comes down to what we do with the good news we possess doesnt it? I feel like God is always waiting for us....when we think we're waiting for him...he's already met us where we're at.
For the last event...I guess the verse just really stuck out to me. ".....We saw clearly that the LORD was with you...." (vs. 28). Isn't that how God's children should be living? I've heard too many times that Christians are no different from nice people. I know I disappoint God with my actions often so that verse was a really good reminder of how to live. So hopefully this year will come with the knowledge of how to live in such a way that others see clearly that the Lord is with me.
somehow thoughts aren't flowing as eloquently through my mind this year. Does two decades really take a toll on the mind and body?
I wish you all a fulfilling 2006.